Sunday 12 November 2006

Episode 2: Happy Cappy

guest starring: Kryten as the robot servant
Malachi Pearson as the voice of The Cool Kid

"Miss Rosa!" Kryten, the family robot Butler was calling my name. I havent introduced him yet as a suitable chance hasnt yet come along, so here we are: Because my parents were constantly away on interplanetary business trips, they needed somebody to help with the housework and look after their 2 teenagers. That post was eventually filled in by Kryten the mechanoid. Originally, Kryten had been the robot on board the mining ship Red Dwarf, where he worked as a servant for the rest of the crew. Sadly, the show had been long cancelled, so Kryten had to take his robot/household talents elsewhere. Although it had been quite a handfull at the beginning, specially with me and my brother who did everything possible to make Kryten's stay at our house most unwelcome, he soon become loved by everybody in the family and admired for his abilities and charm. With Red Dwarf over, at least his talents wouldnt be wasted now.
"Miss Rosa Maam!You must wake-up!"
"Aww, geez, Krytie!You know i hate early morning get ups, specially at 8:00am on Saturdays!Why don't you go and pester Antony or something?"
"The young sir was already up at 7:00 and on his way to his piano lesson. Besides, Miss Alice-chan is here."
"Rise and Shine!Rise and Shine!"
"Hi Alice-chan, its lovely to see you, but where's the fire?Its 8:00am-
"Also known as Film Bazaar!"
"Huh?!Is it already the second saturday of the month?I totally forgot."
"Yup, it sure is!"
"Ok, I'll be right there!"

"It is very nice of you to drive us for breakfast, Kryten!" said Alicechan as Kryten was driving us to have breakfast.
"It would be so nice If i could get a job and earn my own beer money instead of depending on my parents,"I said a while later, watching the young waiters at Bombdiggidy's.
"That would be a very good idea, ma'am, and it seems that they need part time staff!" said Kryten, pointing to the notice by the counter.
"Thats scrabbly, I want to sign up too!Come on Rose-chan, lets talk to them!" said Alice-chan, grabbing my hand and going over to the bar.
"We, the scrabbly sistas, would like to apply for the job!"
"Wow, thats great, you are the answers to our prayers girls! the manager said, seeing our smiley faces, "come back next Monday!"
"Great!We can look at the film bazaar now, lets go!See you Kryten!"
"Bye Kryten, thanks for the lovely breakfast!"
"Take care girls, and above all have fun!"

One breakfast later, we arrived at the 2nd saturday film bazaar.
"wow"look at all those stalls!there are an awfull lot of people today,"said Alicechan.
"Yeah, amazing!What will you buy Alicechan?"
"Well, i will look around and see if the sell Jewel in the Palace." The two of us eyed the hundreds of stalls where people were happily selling their dvds, some old, some new. Some movie stars and cartoon stars were selling theirs.
"Oh, look, theres Johhny Bravo, and Dexter selling their DVDs!" I said, pointing to some stalls on the right. We came to a stand, labelled "Miscellaneous". "Wow!"I cried, leafing through the dvds. "Denver!Tintin!Sailor-Moon!"
"Are you going to buy them all, Rose-chan?"Alice-chan said. Just then, we heard turned around and saw Dexter's Sister, Deedee, smiling at us.
"Hey girls!"she said in her high pitched hysterical voice."Wanna check out Dexter's Lab DVDs? Only half price!!"
"Thanks Deedee, thats very kind!"said Alicechan.
"Oh, sorry girls, mom's calling me, Id better go!"
"Hey, why dont we look after your DVD's while your gone?"offered Alice-chan.
"Oh would you?Thanks Scrabbly Sista's your the best!"
"Of course we will, its our job!We will look after them and sell a few!You go and take as long as you need to."
Having left us, we took our seats, waiting around for customers to come over. "Get your Dexter DVDs!Only half price!"
"Hello girls,"said a male's voice, very familiar to us.
"Oh, hi Chief!May we help you?"said Alicechan, standing to attention.
"Yes girls, you may help me, we desperately need the FSS scrabbly sistas help. We need you help us find Ya Zhe Ren, otherwise known as "happy cappy," the happiness weirdo.
"Ya Zhe Ren? That sounds chinese,"said Alice-chan. "I dont get it, what has he done thats so bad?He sounds harmless."
"At the moment he is causing great havoc by sneaking up on people sticking signs on them. We need you to help us find him.He is a very tricky person."
"Ok, if you say so chief. " said Rose-chan.
Satisfied, chief left.
"What a strange case, so scrabbly,"thought Alice-chan. "I wonder why this Ya Zhe Ren is so sought after?"
"Yeah, its weird. But lets be on our way, for the Scrabbly Sista's moto is: We are here to help anybody who needs our help!" We were off.


"Mmm, this is great! Teriyaki chicken with a side-order of Kimcho!"Alicechan was saying.
"Not to mention, the capicolo is refreshingly good!" Iadded. We were taking lunch after about an hour of trying to track down Ya Zhe Ren, in Wackyland's japanese restaurant, Terry Yaki.
"Boy, hunting down that Ya Zhe Ren is hard work, he is too tricky,"I said.
Just then, outside the window, something caught our attention. It was hard to tell what it was as it was rushing by quickly and nearly a smudge.
"OMG, its him!Come on Alice-chan, lets go!"I said, grabbing Alice-chan's hand and pulling her out.
"Hey!You girls havent paid!" a waiter shouted after us.
"Here's 100, keep the change!"shouted Alice-chan, throwing a wad of cash at him as she ran out.
"Hey, stop!STOP!" we yelled together after Ya Zhe Ren and running as fast as we could, but it was all in vain, he was way too quick.
"Oh no, my make-up's smudged and my hair is all messy," I thought. "Id better nip into the make-up room."(audience laughter.)
"Theres a make-up room?Where?"said Alicechan.
"Right over there," i said, pointing to a door in the wall which said "Make-up room".(audience laughter)
"If thats the case, ill join you too!All that running about has messed up my hair too!"said Alicechan(audience laughter)


*Anouncer* Enter, the Cool Kid! *girls sigh and swoon as the cool kid comes onto the scene riding on his motorbike.
"Jump on, and i'll take you wherever you wanna go,"he said in his cool voice, patting the seat behind him.
"Er, we wanna go, er" I wasnt quite sure where we were supposed to go, but it was worth a try.
"How about that way?"said Alicechan as we both hopped on and pointed forward.
"You got it, hang on tight."He started up his motorcycle and left. Further down the road we nearly bumped into a little old lady who needed some help with her shopping. The cool kid invited her to get on too, but secretly regretted it, as it was getting a bit too heavy.
"Why thank you, young man,"smiled hte little old lady.
"Hey!Wait for me!" a man down the road called at us, waving his hands in the air. He seemed really panicked for some reason. "Theyre after me, theyre after me!!You're my only chance to escape!!" Now the motorcycle was indeed crowded. Nevertheless, the cool kid rode on never losing his cool. He wasnt the "cool kid" for nothing.


We had been running/walking riding buses/taxis and hiding in crowds and shops as spies, never being able to catch Ya Zhe Ren once. It had taken us the whole day.
"Alicechan, its terrible!We cant even catch a sneaky cartoon character. I give up, lets go home."
"No, Rose-chan, were the scrabbly Sistas, remember?We never give up. We work together and help each other and others out, but we never give up!Don't worry Rose-chan, we'll catch him soon,"said Alicechan cheerfully.
"Youre right!We make a great team together," I said, gaining confidence.
"To the Scrabbly Sistas!" We said together, giving each other high fives.

Dujy was in her bedroom, putting on her makeup and chatting away on her cell-phone to Jennie. "Yeah, so babes, 7:00 tonight at Lucky 7, ok?Yeah, yeah, the buttler will pick us up, just be here. Should be a great nite out. See you later Babes."

Just then, a strange black taxi appeared, as if out of nowhere. Except that you couldnt really call ti a taxi, it looked a lot more like an undertakers car. Nevertheless, it was our only chance. Some people tried to get it, but were pushed out of the way.
"Gosh, how frightfully rude!"said the young woman.
"Sorry guys, its an emergency, were the scrabbly Sistas!"we said, flashing them our FBI cards at them, before getting inside.
"Where to, folks?" said the Taxi driver, without even looking back. His voice was raspy and very farmiliar.
"Hey mister, you sound exactly like....Uh, to the Centrepoint, please," I said realising there wasnt any time to waste.
"And please step on it, we're in a hurry!The FSS is counting on us!"added Alice-chan.
"Centrepoint it is then, relax, fasten your safety belts and hold on tight."
"Why?"asked Alicechan. Before we knew it, the car lunged forward really suddenly and then shot out really fast, knocking us off our seats.
"Ugh!"we yelled together. It felt just like the Spacemountain ride at Disneyland. And what a roller-coaster ride it really was. This cab was really really weird, driving really fast, ignoring the traffic signs, going sideways through alley ways, up and down steeply, just like a roller-coaster ride at the funfair. And just what was it about that cab driver?
"Here we are, folks," he said 10 mins later. We didnt know where we were anymore, we were so confused.
"Uuh, what on earth was that?"i Said.
"This is the most scrabbliest taxi ive ever ben on,"said Alicechan.
We got out, and just as we were about to pay, the window was wound down and we stared in horror.
"The CRYPT-KEEPER!!"We both shouted together.
"Until next time, ghouls!AHAHAHAHAA!!"He laughed his trademark laugh, and sped off, without even taking our money. We stood there, dazed and feeling very dizzy indeed.
"Scary or not, at least he got us to our destination safely,"said Alicechan.
"And he didnt even take our money, what a gentleman Crypty is!" I said.We just spotted "Lucky 7", wackyland's arcade, formerly Trocadero. "He's gotta be there, thats where were going!"said Alicechan.


"Everybody was Kung Fu fighting..." That was the song that was playing from the dancing machine that we were playing at the moment.
"Aw, i never get the steps right,"i moaned. If we were going to be spies, we were gonna do it the scrabbly way, which meant having fun.
Suddenly, Alicechan noticed a strange person in the far corner of the arcade. That somebody was sticking a strange sign.
"Rose-chan, look!Its him!!He just stuck a sign."
"Huh?!Hey, he's gone!"I cried.
"Dont worry, I know where he went, he darted off into the arena. Lets go!"Alicechan grabbed my arm and we ran towards it. We found ourselves in a strange tunnel, which had doors with glowing stars on them. The Arena was a place where entertainment took place every night, in the form of music and comedy.
"Quick Rosechan, in here!"cried Alicechan, pulling me into one of the rooms which appeared to be empty.We fell over into something with a crash. Then i found the light switch.
"Hey, look at all this!Cool!"I cried, picking up some costumes. We had stumbled into somebody's dressing room.
Suddenly, without warning, a gentleman in a glitzy jacket came in and we froze in horror.
"Folks, it seems that the dance troup has been cancelled as they all got delayed. Somebody has to fill in their time, the audience have paid for their tickets already. Thank God we found you girls, you can fill in for them. You can be the Lal Quila duo and perfom La Bamba."
"Huh?!No way, we dont even work here!"cried Alicechan.
"Thats right, we cant even perform, were terrible!We cant play guitar or maracas!And besides, were in a hurry."
"No worries girls, just wear the costumes and mime the words, nobody will know the difference."


10 minutes later, the Lal Quila Duo came out, dressed in mexican costumes, complete with sombreros, guitar, maracas and moustaches. The Duo were pushed out onstage as the crowd cheered.
"Yikes, look at all those people here tonight!I"ll never be able to get through this, i have terrible stage fright!"I complained.
"You know Rosechan, this is the best way to catch him, he wont suspect us this way. Just try to do your best,"Alicechan whispered to me. Suddenly a recording of Richie Valens La Bamba came on, and we did our best to mime. It wasnt that bad, and I actually found myself enjoying it. The crowd cheered and clapped enthusiastically. We were having a great time too and forgot where we were or what our mission was, but suddenly, out of the corner of my eye i saw something behind the curtain."Psst!Alicechan, its him,NOW!"I cried and the two of us turned around as the song came to a close and pounced on the curtain. Meanwhile, the audience went wild with applause. All except Dujy, who was outraged. "What the bluddy hell was that?!What the hell happened to the dance troup?That was the worst piece of trash ive seen in a long time!"
"Oh, shut it!"Somebody yelled and everybody started throwing stuff.

A couple of seconds later, the two of us were holding onto a surprised handcuffed Ya Zhe Ren.
"We gotcha!Youre under arrest!"
"Guniang, nimen fan kai wo ba!"he cried in chinese.
"Bu xing, women dei dai ni dao jingcha!!"said Alicechan.


a couple of hours later, the three of us were standing in the police station.
"So, we finally got you, your game is up, Happy Cappy!Thanks girls, you did a great job!"said the chief.
"let me go!"Ya Zhe Ren pleaded. "I never meant t hurt anybody, i just wanted to make people happy!People's happiness is my happiness!" The scrabbly Sistas exchanged sad glances.
"Oh come on, chief, lets let him go, hes obviously innocent!"
"Yeah, chief, its not like hes commited a crime. Hes just trying to make people happy. Since when is playing jokes on people considered a crime?"
Chief thought for a moment.
"Mm, i guess you girls are right. Alright," he said after a while,"If you want to, we'll let him go."
"Can i go?"asked a hopefull Happy Cappy. We exchanged glances.
"Alright, Happy Cappy, we will let you go...."I said,
"On one condition!"added Alicechan.


That Monday, a newspaper stood on the wall of Bombdiggidy's, with the headline: Scrabbly Gals catch the prankster, "happy Cappy." Underneath it, a picture of us, with Ya Zhe Ren in the middle. The whole staff off Bombdiggidy's stood around it, praising the Scrabbly Girls.
"Girls, you are our heroes!We are so proud to have you working for us!"siad the manager, a huge grin on his face. We beamed with pride. Alicechan had an envelope in her bag. It was from Ya Zhe Ren himself, and it said,"Xiexie nimen!"
The Scrabbly Sistas had helped the innocent and saved the day.

Wednesday 21 June 2006

Episode 1: Wacky High

Well, here we go! Enjoy the first ever episode of "Wackyland!"

Episode 1: Pilot

"Ok, class, thats all for today, time for lunch," mrs Krappapel said, as the bell went for lunch, signalling the end of class. Nobody waited to hear the end of it. Only one person was still sitting at her desk, daydreaming. Mrs Krappapel sat back down and got out a cigarette. Now was the perfect time for a smoke.
"Rose-chan, are you daydreaming for the end of class again? It's time for lunch, lets go!" It was Alice-chan, trying to get Rosechan out of her dazing.
"Huh? Oh, what?" Rosechan suddenly said startled. "Time for lunch? Lets go, Scrabbly Sista!"
The two were off along Wacky High's corridors, nearly everyone had bolted off to the lunch room.
"I like Wacky High, its such a scrabbly school!" said Alicechan.
"Me too! This system is like, so scrabbly, man!" replied Rosechan. They were only a few steps from the Wacky Cafeteria, when an announcement came on.
"Could miss Alicechan come to the music room please? Miss Sammy wants to speak to you."
"I wonder what she wants to see me for? Id better go and see."
"Shall i wait for you here?"
"No, thats ok, why dont you go over to the cafeteria, and reserve the Scrabbly table!"
"Gotcha. See you in a bit!"
When Rosechan got to the cafeteria, it wasnt, to her surprise, as full as she though it would be. Then she noticed that a lot of the kids were outside in the playground. What does a girl have to do to get served around here? She thought, as she waited by the counter to pay for her lunch.
Suddenly, a funny skinny tall guy appeared, out of nowhere, at the till.
"Hi there! Its me, Skinny Al, your lunch Pal! I'm here to take your order."
"Well, its about time," thought Rosechan, rolling her eyes but amused all the same.
"Hi Rosechan!" It was Alicechan, back from miss Sammys.
"The lunch is good today, chow mein!" said Alicechan.
"Yeah, Wacky High lunches are always Wacky, packed with Wacky vitamins and goodness! Hey look, theres Lisa Simpson! Hey Lisa! Come sit with us!"
"Hi girls! Nice to see you! said Lisa Simpson, coming over to the "Scrabbly Table." In a far end of the cafeteria, Dujy and her gang were sitting, discussing fashion and night clubbing.
The three girls had a pleasant lunch, their chatter and laughter mixing in with the hubbub of the cafeteria. Pleasant, that is, until Vic, the school jock, game up to their table.
"Hey girls, how would you like me to rock your world?" he asked using his best best chat up line. "Oh Vic..that is like, so...last decade!"said Rosechan, clearly bored. His coolness wouldn never fool her again. Unperturbed, Vic walked over to Dujy's table, where the girls were just getting up and ready to leave.
"Hey gorgeous, you free tonight?" he asked Dujy
"Yeuch, i dont think so!"said Dujy. "Id rather kill myself! Why not go and play with the Scrabbly Baby Sistas? You guys are much better suited," she added, leaving Vic standing and smirking at the Scrabbly Table.
"Poor Vic," though Alicechan.
"You actually feel sorry for that jerk? Youre too kind Alice-chan."
"Well, yes i guess i do," said Alice-chan. "About this little!" she said, holding her fingers about half a centimetre away. The girls burst out laughing.
"Heh, Vic," Uh oh. Beavis and Butthead had entered the cafeteria. "Whats up Vic? heh heh."
"Hi guys," said Vic in a hurt voice. "You guys wanna come round my place tonight? We can watch heavy metal vids and Babes."
"Heh, cool!" Beavis and Butthead and Vic walked out of the cafeteria.

Lunch was just about coming to a close, and Rosechan and Alicechan were looking forward to their lesson with Huang Dianie, their super-favourite teacher. Suddenly, without warning...
"And now, for my latest invention! i have createdn a super-duper cream dispenser, ha ha ha!!"
Everyone looked to the door, where they saw Mandark, Dexter's sworn enemy, stanind with a starnge contraption.
"This is my coolest new...."he got no further, because just then the huge canister of cream had gone out of control and exploded in the cafeteria, covering everyone with cream.
"Run for it!"

The girls had managed to escape the cream dispenser and were in the ladies room, washing up. As soon as they stepped out, they saw Manuelie coming towards them.
"HMPF!Alicechan, remember the Manuelie joke?"grinned Rosechan.
"You mean the one "where i went to look for Manuelie and out popped a man?"Both girls burst out laughing.
"Hello girls, you usually have Huang Dian's lesson now, don't you?"asked Manuelie. "I have some news for you, it has been cancelled-"
"Oh no!!Manuelie, were both not feeling too well, please let us go home!"cried Rosechan, afraid that they would have to have Manuelies lesson. Manuelie just looked at her confused.
"If you had let me finish, Rosalina, you would have heard that the lesson in cancelled due to Huang Dian being ill, therefore you have the afternoon off. I hope thats clear."Manuelie walked down the corridor, a grim expression on her face.
"Phew!"said Rosechan.Alicechan giggled at the exasperated girl.
"You worry too much, Rosechan!"


In her office, Manuelie sat down to have a rest an to think about her position at Wacky High. As german teacher of the school, her position was very delicate. Her lessons could be axed any moment now by the NBC. Seemed that nobody ahd an interest in her lessons. She sat back and wondered what on earth she would do if push did come to shove. She would have to find a job elsewhere, either as a private tutor or as a talkshow host, maybe even be as successful as Peter.


"Its a pity Huang Dianies lesson was cancelled", said Alicechan.
"Yes, thats a shame, but at least we can go home early now. Hey, i was just gonna go down to the gym to do some working out, wanna come with me Alicechan?"
"Okay," replied Alicechan. They were soon standing by the gym entrance.
"Uh, all the machines are booked," thought Rosechan. "Wheres a trainer when you need one?"
Suddenly, a skinny guy appeared, as if out of nowhere, in front of them.
"Hey, its me, Gym Jim! Im your personal trainer!Uh huh uh huh uh huh". Just as he said that, Babs and Buster Bunny darted past. "Were tiny, were toony, were all the little loony, welcome to the gym!"they both sang out.
"Hey, arent you that guy who served me at lunch? You keep popping up everywhere, when youre most needed", said Rosa amused. As soon as they got in, they saw a familiar face.
"Hello Rosalind, hello Alice, how are you girls?"It was Peter, the guy in his 50s who was the object of most high school crushes.
"Hi Peter!"said the girls."How is your tv series going?Sold many books yet?"
"Yes i have actually, thanks for asking. Im so glad my show is doing so well, for an educational programme that is. Its even pushed OC off first place!"
"Don't tell Jay that, he will murder you!Glad youre ok Peter,"said Rosechan.

Rosechan and Alicechan were on their way home from school.
"Rosechan, im feeling a bit hungry, what about you?"
"Me too, but maybe just a small snack or something.Where shall we go? Shall we go to TGI's, Lalquila, or the Bet Cafe?"
"What about Bombdiggidy's Funky Fried Chicken Restaurant, that new place in town?"
"Oh yeah, heard about that, lets go!"
They arrived at Bombdiggidys, which was a recently built diner. There were only a few customers, a groupd of teenagers with sodas, a couple on another table and a guy reading a paper by the window, eating a burger.
"Hey there! I am Diner Dan, and i shall be your waiter today at Bombdiggidy's Funky Fried Chicken Restaurant." The girls looked at the skinny guy wearing the restaurants uniform with the restaurant's symbol, and saw it was none other than the guy from the Wacky High cafeteria and the gym instructor.
"You keep popping up everywhere, dont you? Thats the 3rd time youve appeared today, can my luck get any better?" said Rosechan. Alicechan giggled.
"So whats on the menu today, Diner Dan?"asked Alicechan.
"Ok! Today we have yak burgers and toufu chips.."
"Yak Burger??" said Rosechan, raising an eyebrow.
"Toufu chips??" said Alicechan, completely weirdified. "I thought this was a fried chicken restaurant, wheres the chicken? And we were thinking of something deserty, actually."
"Sorry girls, chicken's out right now. For desert we have sweetcorn icecream, english breakfast icecream and pizza icecream. We also do coffee and grape soda, but i dont really recommend that. It makes people start seeing pink elephants."
"Dont you have anything normal?" asked Rosechan, clearly weirdified and disgusted.
"Oh yeah, we do have the pink chocolate icecream, for normal tastes."
"Oh, that sounds nice,"said Alicechan, "I'll get one of those please."
"Ok, pal, 2 pink chocolate icecreams, please!" Rosechan told him.
"2 pink chocolate icecreams, comin right up!"

A few minutes later Rosechan and Alicecha were sitting at the bar, enjoying their pink chocolate icecreams. Diner Dan was polishing a soda glass. One of the customers was mrs Banshee, Casper's ghostly teacher. She was reading a paper and had a huge I Scream float infront of her.
"This is nice, sitting here, relaxing, with pink chocolate icecreams,"said Rose. "
"Yup, these are scrabbly yum-yummers! makes you wish we fnished this early everyday," agreed Alicechan. Rosechan's cellphone went off. It was a message from Vic: "watching vids tonight with Beavis and Butthead at my place. You girls want to come?"
"Yuck!Wont he get the message?"cried Rosechan.
"How annoying!"said Alicechan. Rosechan went upto the till to ask for some sugar.
"Sorry sir, i didnt mean to bump into you,"said Rosechan to the man sitting at the bar.
"Thats alright, Rosalina", the man at the bar turned to face her and to her horror, it was none othr than mr. Parkin.
"Oh, mr Parkin, hi!What are you doing here?"
"Hello Rosalina, shouldnt i be asking you the same question?How have you been?"he said in his deep, slow and slightly sensual voice.
"Er, fine,"said Rosechan, grossed out. She turned and went back to her table.
"Alicechan, would you believe it, mr Sleazebag Parkin tried to chat me up again."
"I'm sure he didnt mean it Rosechan, just ignore him."The girls went back to their icecreams.
Suddenly, the peace was disrupted by a man who came rushing into the diner, yelling frantically at the top of his voice,"Its the end of the world! Oh God, the end of the world i tell you!Doomsday!Run everybody!"
Rose and Alice exchanged puzzled looks. People started running about chaotically and screaming. Then they saw the frantic man, and a huge contraption which was out of control which appeared to be chasing after him. It was Mandark's cream dispenser. It finally went into the diner and like the last time, was about to explode.
"Uh oh", said the Scrabbly Gals, "here we go again!"

thar eveningAlicechan was busy with preparing her music assignment. Rosechan had noghing else to do and did something she normally wouldnt. She accepted Vs invitation to join him and Beavis and Butthead.  When she got there they were already watching tv and eating nachos. Beavis and Butthead didnt usually speak to the scrabbly sisters as they were uncool, but this time they didn't seem to mind Rosechan s company and tried to sit as close to her as they could. Seems Rosechan didnt mind either.  Vic was feeling a little put out. An hour later, Stephanie Vics little sis was back from her shift at Starbux. Beavis and Butthead decided to blow the joint and take the girls out that Friday night, who didn't mind joining them. Ironically they completely ignored Vic who had invited them over in the first place, and at that moment he receiveda few calls and answer them-one from his gf cancelling their date and another from his mum, which lasted for about an hour.

Thursday 11 May 2006


Ahoy me Hearties!

Welcome to the Wackyland Chronicles! Wackyland started 5 years ago, and tells stories of a place, in which people, cartoons and celebs all live together! In which Highschool and Uni are all one big building! In which the most amazing wacky adventures take place!

Wackyland was started and enjoyed by quite a small audience, afterwhich it was long forgotten by everyone, like an ancient book which has been left for centuries and gone all dusty in a spooky old castle.

Here are a list of the main characters, who are joined everyday by cartoons and celebs:

Alice-chan and Rosa-chan, the Srabbly Sistas and main characters. They have a secret identity(we' will tell you if you promise to keep it a secret): the are member of the FSS (Federal Scrabbly Sista!) Both are classmates and the same age, 14. Both are friendly, happy and witty. Rosechan is more implsive and gets excited easily, whereas Alicechan is the most sensible of the two.

Alicechan lives only a couple of minutes from Rosechan, together with her parents in their wacky flat. She is a sweet, lovely girl, always doing really well in her classes, and at the same time taking ballet and pianoe, both of which she is a genius. She loves having scrabbly adventures and cracking wacky mysteries!

Rosechan lives with her parents, little brother and Kryten the robot servant and her werewolf pup, Furball. She tries her best at schoolm although she does sometimes make a lot of mistakies. She is a member of the picture club, and is always on the scene whenever pics need to be taken, whether it be for the school paper or for recreation. Like Alicechan, she loves scrabbly adventures and cracking wacky mysteries!

The girls are so nice, they actually got thief girl Mejima a date for the halloween dacen when D dumped her!

Dujy and her gang, who is the most popular girl at Wacky High, but also the most arrogant, pompous and annoying, to whom looks are everything and who looks down on Nerds, Clowns and Robots. The people who hang around with Dujy arent as bad as her, theyre actually quite nice people (poor things!)

Mejima, the wannabe good ballet dancer, who tries very hard to fit in and be like the coolest people at school; she will even steal for coolness! She joins Dujy in some episodes, although they are both secretly jealous of one another.

Victor, the high school jock, who thinks he is the coolest thing and that all the ladies dream about him.

Malta, the "Laptop guy" and his partner in crime, Dominic.

Mr D, the dude with a 'tude.

Hazel, a witch girl, who enjoys spelling very much, even if her spells go wrong most of the time. She lives with her mom, also a witch, in their spooky old house. A lot of the kids try to avoid her, because they just cant understand her, even though she is a good kid! She gets annoyed by petty and mean people, in fact, she once turned dude with a tude D into a frog when he was bugging her!

Buffy, the new girl at Alicechan's dance academy. She moved down from the South with her parents and baby bro. Shes a good kid and more than anything wants to be a good dancer. However, her father wishes she could take after him and take over his job as MI5 agent!

Rick, the good looking guy who works together with the girls at Bombdiggidys.

Huangdianie, the super-teacher.

Manuelie, the scary-teacher.

Mr Highway, the cute history teacher.

Mr P, the gorgeous social studies and religion teacher.

Mr K, the bachelor music teacher. Good Pianoe player and can lead a choir. He has lead some of wacky high's choirs, which have been quite a success!

P, cs teacher and object of all the high school girl crushes. Although old and kind of a loser in life, he's the one all the handsome teachers are in competition with!

Miss Larrie, the physics teacher. Not much is known about her (she might even be from another planet), except she is a good teacher and stunningly attractive. Unfortunately, she isnt treated very well by the teachers and some of the parents, and she finally drives off into the dusk with her love, viper mechanic Frankie Waters!

A preview of "Wackyland" episodes:

"Wacky High" Pilot
"Happy Cappy" Join the scrabbly sistas on a fun ride through town as they head of in search of Happy Cappy.
"DD" The dude with the tude gets a lesson in bullying.
"Mejima Crushed" Mejima falls hopelessly in love with D, and its upto the scrabbly sistas to comfort her when he ditches her and to find her a date for the Halloween Hop.
"Busted!" When Buffy Springer, the new girl at the Teenyboppers academy gets her money stolen, the sistas blame it on thief girl Mejima. However, the truth is a lot more complex.
"Howlin Rosa" Rosechan gets more than she barkained for when she loses her neighbour's dog.
"Animal Friends" featuring Denver the last Dinosaur Late for school one morning, Rosechan comes across a truck filled with laboratory animals. She manages to discover the hide out of professor beardkinfe, a mad scientist whose experiments on animals are cruel and unethical. Will Alicechan and the animal rights federation be there to save them on time?
"Peter the Man Scout" After they find out Peter's show has been axed by the NBC, the girls try to put him out of his misery and drinking and get him a job in showbiz again, with comic results.
"Kimcho and Co"
"Scrabbly Adventure"
"Fizzlebacker's Misadventures"

Sorry its such a short list, i shall extend it once my exams are over. :)
How were your exams Rose-Chan? :)

Note: all the human supply their own voices, including: Rosechan, Alicechan, all o their teachers and classmated from college and school), and their families. Cartoon/new characters are supplied by profesional voice actors. The cartoon characters voices(e.g Casper and the ghostly trio, Dexter, Johnny Bravo). are all supplised by their regular voice actors. Having said that, D supplied his voice for only one episode, entitled "DD." He quit saying he was too busy with his own life, but we dont believe him:we think its because in the other eps hes featured in he's not as nasty!He does appear from time to time, usually not saying anything.

The Scrabbly Gals, enjoying lunch at the Wacky High cafeteria.

Downtown, everybody's favourite place for cycling or roller blading/skateboarding. Looks strikingly similar to the place where Denver the Last Dinosaur was found. Interestingly enough, it is used as one of the settings for Denver the Lasti Dinosaur, the [live action] movie!

Wacky Land's "Buddha Bar". The chillest chill-out bar in town!

The "Buddha Bar's" DJ, who is there spinning all the best chillout music every friday night. Perfect for chillout.

Uh-oh! Its Dujy(centre) out clubbing, trying to look cool (we think not!)

Well, its not Denver the last Dinosaur, but its the next best thing-Nickelback in concert!

Wacky High, the place to be!

And here are some of the cartoon characters, who appear in the show:

Its Denver and the gang!!YEAH!!

Casper, hes my favourite ghost, hes everybody's favourite friendly ghost!:D

Casper's uncles the ghostly trio, lead by uncle Stretch, who seems to be the favourite for a lot of Casper fans!:D

The Cryptkeeper, the famous frightening story-teller in the world!Yes, there is even a Crypt in Wackyland, for the cryptkeeper to spin his horror stories!