Wednesday 10 October 2007

Episode 10: Scrabbly love

"Oh no, another bad mark on my German assignment!"cried Rosechan in despair, looking at her returned assignment in front of her. This wasnt looking good at all.
"Rosalina, can i see you for a while after class?"Manuelie said as everybody started to pack up and leave.
"Of course, Manuelie," Rosechan replied. "Alicechan, why don't you go along and reserve one of the pianoe rooms?I wont be long."
"Ok Rosechan, see you soon!"Alicechan made her way to the music room.
"Ok Rosalina, i think you know what this is about. Your assignments arent improving due to your grammar. This is a very serious problem."
"Yes miss," Rosechan said quietly. She wanted to break down and cry.
"Im going to have to have a word with your parents about this."
"What?Oh, please don't Miss!Don't tell them about this!Its near Christmas and telling them will only ruin it for them. There must be some other way.
"Im sorry Rosalina, theres nothing else to..."Manuelie stopped and became thoughtful. "Ok, i have an idea. I wont tell your parents, but you have got to promise me you will practise your grammar at least 2 hours a day."
Rosechan sighed a huge sigh of relief. "Oh i will do that, i promise!I'll practise german grammar 2 hours a day!Thanks miss!"
"I'll make sure you do. Get yourself a german language partner by tomorrow."
"But miss-"Rosechan's face fell.
"Or ill find one for you if you want."

"So thats it, my German isnt improving because of my grammar. Gosh im terrible!"
"Poor Rosechan! Don't worry, you will catch up soon,"said Alicechan reassuringly.
"Anyway, lets not talk about this matter anymore. Youre going to the dance winter camp soon, right?"
"Yes, day after tomorrow actually!I havent finished my packing yet."
"So soon!You will have a great time, lucky you!Say!Why dont i come and see you off?"
"That would be great Rosechan!"smiled Alicechan.

Next day, at the start of the school day:
"Im gonna be late..Oops!"Rosechan was in such a hurry she didnt see the boy in front of her. "Sorry!"
"Hey Rosechan, are you alright?"It was Christoph, her german buddy.
"Hey Chris!Im ok, sorry i bumped into you! Actually, no im not alright,"said Rosechan dismally and told him the whole story.
"You know, i could help you out with German grammar if you like,"Christoph offered.
"You will?Oh, i really dont want to take up your time, it will be 2 hours everyday..."
"I dont mind, it will be fine,"Christoph said smiling.
"Thanks,"Rosechan smiled back.

It was the morning of the dance winter camp, and all the dance students and their partents crowded round the bus.
"Have fun my scrabbly gals, take care, and see you soon!"Rosechan said to Alicechan and Buffy, giving them both hugs. Christoph was there too and bid them goodbye.
"Bye Rosechan, bye Christoph, see you soon!"said Alicechan, before boarding the bus. Her mama and daddy had already bid her a fairwell and were off in Buffy's dad's car. Rosechan waved at the bus until it drove out of view, then made her way back to school with Chris.

It was 2 oclock, and Christoph and Rosechan were in the library. The lessons was not an easy one, but she was very grateful to Christoph and found him good company.

Meanwhile, at the winter camp, the kids had all arrived and had had their first session of dancing. It was freezing cold, despite the heaters in their rooms. Alicechan and Buffy shared a room.
"Hey Alicechan, get ready, its time for dinner in the mess hall," Buffy said. It didnt look like a messhall, it had been to look like a forrest, and everybody sat in a circle, around a fire. Alicechan was getting a plate of noodles.
"Hey, let me hlp you with that Miss,"Alicechan turned around and saw a boy standing next to her. He was roughly the same age as her, had blue eyes and blonde spikey hair.
"Thank you, youre so kind!Im Alicechan,"she said to him.
"Im Josh, lovely to meet you,"he smiled at her.

Next day, Rosechan had a lunchtime session with Christoph.
"So thats it, you need to remember when to use the genitive."Christoph was explaining. Rosechan did her best to concentrate, but at one point she stared staring dreamily at Christoph, without even realising it.
"Earth to Rosa? I asked, is that clearer now?"
"Huh?Um, yes it is, much clearer!You are a great teacher Chris, unlike Manuelie." Rosechan smiled.

Back at home that night, Rosechan called Alicechan.
"Hi Alicechan!Hows it going?
"Hi Rosechan!Its going alright thanks, we dance from morning until night everyday!Its hard work, but fun! How is your German with Chris going?
"Its going ok, we get along fine!Actually, i think im starting to-get a crush on him," Rosechan admitted, going red.
"Wow!Same here!I met a really sweet boy, his name is Josh, and he's a dancer too!"
"Oh, how lovely!You must be very happy!Good luck with it *wink*
"Thanks Rosechan, same to you and Chris!I have to go now, Josh wanted to take me ice skating! See you soon Rosechan!"
"See you Alicechan, have fun!"

Next day, Rosechan found some devastating news: there was going to be a german grammar exam the following week. She didnt seem to mind though, she kept on staring dreamily ahead, looking forward to the end of the day and writing Chris' name in her book.
"Hi Chris, where are you off to?"
" I was just on my way to Lucky 7, would you like to come along too?We can play snooker or go bowling, whatever you wish,"
"Id love to! Lets go,"
"So do you feel more confident in grammar now?"
"Yes, much better thanks to you!Only i have a german exam, next week."
"Dont worry about that too much, work hard and get enough time to play too,"laughed Christoph.
THey had been playing an hour of pool and Christoph kept winning.
"Hey Chris, would you like to come to my place?We can watch cartoons,"
"Sure, i havet ime this afternoon."

Meanwhile, Alicechan and Buffy were doing their dance steps when Josh came in.
"Hey Alicechan, there's rock and roll dancing tonight, want to go with me?"
"Id love to Josh!See you in a bit!"
"Hey, whose the lucky girl, eh?"Buffy winked playfully, nudging Alicechan who blushed crimson.

Chris and Rosechan were in the living room, watching cartoons and drinking coffee. Rosechan looked at the clock.
"Oh dear, its 8 oclock, dinner time...Hey Chris,"she said suddenly,"How would you like to join us for dinner?"
"Ok, id like to. Thanks,"Christoph smiled. Rosechan introduced her family to Christoph throughout dinner. After he'd gone, she lay on her bed, daydreaming about him and her together. Even though they were only friends, the poor kid had developed a mega crush on him.

"Hey Hazel, hows it going?"
"OK thanks Rosechan, whats up?You look happy today!"
"Oh!hehe, its nothing,"Rosechan blushed brightly.
"Dont lie, i can see right through you!"Hazel said mischievously."Anybody would think you dont care about that exam."
"Hazel, is it possible to fall in love with your good friend?"
"In love?With who?Christoph?"
"Yeah. I had a crush on him, but its turned into something more...Is that possible?"
"I dont see why not, that Christoph is a lovely guy and good listener and good looking, "said Hazel while Rosechan nodded. "Would you like me to help you by making you a love potion that will help you tell him how you feel?"grinned Hazel.
"No thats ok, i'll do it myself. No offence, i think magic is great, but no amount of magic will give me that courage, i need to find it alone."
"Ok, good luck, dont worry, just be yourself,"Hazel smiled.

It was the day of the exam. Rosechan was so nervous she dropped all her papers on the floor. At the same time, Alicechan who was having her performance, was also very nervous. Somehow, they got through their ordeals and before they knew it, it was over. Rosechan skipped out relieved to Christoph, who was waiting for her. Meanwhile, Alicechan got dressed and was ready just intime as Josh came into the changing room, with some flowers for her.
"You were great Alicechan!Josh said.
"Thanks!Are those for me?Oh thank you, you are so sweet!"Alicechan held the roses and smelled them. And then, Josh, still holding her hand in his, leant forward and kissed her.
"How did it go?"asked Christoph.
"It, not as bad as i thought it would be,"Rosechan replied."And i owe it all to you."
"No problem, im always here to help you,"Chris smiled.
"For that, let me get you a coffee!"
Rosechan went to the table, carrying 2 cups of coffee. Ok, this is it. This is my chance to find out if he feels the same way about me or not, Rosechan was telling herself. She closed her eyes and pouted her lips, leaning her head forward in Chris' direction, who was busy reading. She could only see him, with his blue eyes and cute smile, too cute to ignore. She was getting so close....
Rosechan's mobile phone gave a beep and she pulled herself together just in time before Chris could notice anything.
"Excuse me Chris a moment," she took her cellphone and ran out the door. It was a call from Alicechan.
"HelloRosechan!How was the test?"
"Alicechan?This is a fine time to call me!"Rosechan said upsettly.
"What?Oh im sorry Rosechan, i didnt mean to interrupt you,"said Alicechan embarassed.
"Its ok, you just saved me from an awkward situation, actually,"smiled Rosechan. "How is everything going?"
"Very well thanks, im just calling to remind you we're coming back home today!"Back home today!Thats right! With all her worries about her education and love life, Rosechan had forgotten completely.
"Of course!What time?"
"In 2 hours time!Cant wait to see you!"
"Me too, ive missed you, Alicechan, see you soon!"At that moment, Alicechan and her class were getting ready to board the bus. She said a tearful goodbye to Josh, who was from another planet, they swapped numbers and promised to call and to visit as often as possible.

Meanwhile, Rosechan was also feeling sad. She realised that she had been a fool, and that nothing would ever becme of her crush.
"Rosa?"Christoph broke through her thoughts. His voice assured her. And then she had an idea: even if he wasnt going to ehr boyfriend, he would still be her good buddy."Alicechan is coming home today, isnt she?Would you like me to go with you?"
"Oh yes, thanks Christoph, it would be great!Rosechan and Christoph appeared on Chris' bicycle just as everybody was getting off the bus.
"Alicechan!"Rosechan ran towards her and hugged her. Buffy appeared too and was crushed by Rosechan.
"So lovely to see you again Rosechan!And you Christoph!"said Alicechan.
"Did you have fun?"asked Rosechan.
"Yes!We had a blast!Its just..."Alicechan looked away and Rosechan could see tears formed at her eyes.
"There there, Alicechan, i know you miss him,"Rosechan gave her a hug. Alicechan nodded.
"Its alright, Rosechan, we have each other's contacts, and he promised to come and visit me soon,"Alicechan brightened up and wiped her tears away. Jus then Hazel magically appeared.
"Hi Hazel!"Alicechan hugged her too.

Later that day, Rosechan received a letter from Manuelie. She expected the worst about her exam. To her surprise, she found she had passed!She cried out in joy, and hugged Christoph. "Thats for being a great teacher and great buddy!Thank you so much Chris laoshi!"
"I knew you could do it! You are a great buddy too, I had fun this past week with you!"Christoph smiled and hugged her back.
"Hey, would you like to go with me and the girls down to Lucky 7?WE have to celebrate!"
"Count me in!"Chris smiled. Rosechan felt so happy, she couldnt believe so many good things could happen at once. Her sista was back, she had passed and best of ll, made a new great buddy. She called Alicechan. Moments later, the 5 of them were at Lucky 7's bar on the disco floor. And soon after that, it was Christmas time, and they all celebrated at Wacky High in style, then together with their families. And then, the new year came.
Happy New Year everbody! We hope you have enjoyed season 1 of Wackyland!See you next year!!:D

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