Friday 21 September 2007

Episode 9: A scrabbly discovery

"Legs straight, arms up, stretch!" miss hoover was giving her usual morning ballet class at the teenyboppers dance academy. the girls were pracstising their steps for the dance competition. they were all dancing to mr parkin's pianoe tune. Alicechan was a very diligent girl in everything she did, so no wonder she was a straight A student and wonderful dancer.

Meanwhile, in another part of Wacky High (Wacky High was a massive insitution, where all after class activities took place, including ballet) Class 2B were having their science lesson, and working on an experiment. Hazel had donated all of her frogs to the science department, provided they were treated nicely and not experimented on. She was ill with flu on that day, so Rosechan had to work together with Kat Harvey on the experiment. They ended up blowing it all over the place. "Hmm, you girls need more practise with this experiment," said mr Janus, their new science teacher. A few minutes later, class was over. Rosechan had to stay behind and clean up the room as she was class room monitor. Just her luck. Alicechan was junior head inspector of safety at the teenyboppers academy. Rosechan set about doing her chores, when suddenly her favourite ring fell off and hid under the shelves.
"Oh no!!Thats the last thing i need," cried Rosechan in dispair. She hated having to get on her knees and search underneath the shelves, chiefly because it was dusty and she always got asthma. On her knees and squinting through the dust underneath the shelf, her eyes happened to fall on a packet. Curious, she picked it up. In it were some papers, an id card, and a pleather book. The card read: "Valerie Larrie Age: 32 Origin: uknown. " Rosechan then turned her attention to the book, which read: Valerie Larrie. This was obviously her diary, and diaries are usually private, so she decided to put it back. A few minutes later her curiosity got the better of her and she opened it up.

Log 1: It has already been a few weeks since i started at Wacky High. At first, i thought this was the best job ever. Now however, i see that my primary impressions and perceptions were not quite right. Im starting to feel some tension going on, between me and the rest of the staff."

Rosechan read on.

"....Log 2: This tension is getting worse. Its bad enough most of the kids are misbehaving and the staff hates me, now it seems the parents hate me too. I really cant understand why. Maybe its just me. Maybe im just not a good teacher, and the staff and parents can sense that. Maybe im not friendly enough. I really must try to ge to get through to these earthlings, and hope that we can all get along." RRRRRRRRRRRRING!!!The bell signalled for the end of morning break, and Rosechan snapped out of her thoughts. "The rooms a mess, I couldnt do my chores today because of my discovery. Oh well, no time now. I'll scoot along to next class, and take this with me too." Putting miss Larrie's stuff secretly into her bag, she left for her next lesson.

"Rosechan, guess what!"said Alicechan excitedly. "I have been put forward for the dance competition!Rosechan?"asked Alicechan, puzzled. It was after school, and the 3 of them were in Starbux.
"Oh!Thats great Alicechan, thats a great!Well done!" said Rosechan, deep in thought.
"Are you ok?"asked Buffy.
"Um, yeah. Sorry. Hey listen, id better get home now, theres a lot of stuff i need to get done, and like Kryten always says, theres no time like the present!See you girls tomorrow!"Rosechan got up ready to leave.
"Rosechan-" began Alicechan surprised at her sudden behaviour.

Back at home, Rosechan tried to read her science book and do the quizz, but she couldnt concentrate. Finally, she put the book down and got out miss Larrie's diary. She still wondered what had happened to miss Larrie, and why she had left her stuff behind. Nobody had heard from her since she left the school.

"Log 3: I decided to do something nice, and started my own school charity, donating 10000. The kids seem to be won over and have warmed to me. Seems the parents and teachers still havent been moved. If anything, my life has become worse. The parents have talked their kids against me, and demanding i be fired. Oh, i hate my life. I miss Zorg. I miss commander Zap, even though we're no longer an item. Maybe I will go back. If i stay here any longer my status will become suicidal. Whoever thought life on earth would be so dismal?" Reading the diary, Rosechan started feeling sorry for miss Larrie. She hadnt been a bad teacher, in fact, she was a lot more friendly and understanding than the other teachers,she and Huang Dianie had been her favourite teachers. She was beautiful and intelligent, and yet she hadnt been given a chance. I must let Alicechan and the girls know about this, she thought.

"So thats why miss Larrie left,"said Alicechan sadly.
"How sad!Just because they couldnt understand her," added Hazel.
"Wonder where the poor woman is now?" wondered Buffy. The four girls were in Alicechan's room, drinking choklit milk and eating tuna and cheese sandwhiches. Munching and drinking, the girls gathered round Rosechan to read the diary.

"Log 4: I cant stand it anymore. I have nothing to do except drown my sorrows in gin and tonics at the Laguna. Thats where i went this evening with Jody. She was the pne who insisted we go, she hates to see me like this and wanted me to get out of the house. Thats where i met HIM. Well, i barely noticed him until he came over to my table and said, "Lady, are you alright?"

"Lady, are you alright?"asked Frankie Waters. Miss Larrie looked up from her glass into the eyes of the man standing in front of her. He stood starring for about 5 minutes, mesmerised by her beauty."Not that its any of my business, but you do seem really down,"he added.

" As if by magic, i snapped out of my gloomy state. This stranger had gotten through to me. Nervously I smiled and gestured for him to sit down next to me."

"Hi!Im miss Larrie," miss Larrie said, with a nervous smile. "I teach physics at Wacky High. What about you?"
"Im Frankie Waters, Viper mechanic."
"Its lovely to meet you," said miss Larrie, taking his hand.

"His voice seemed to make my mouth open up and my problems all poured out, automatically, beyond my controll. This is what i had wanted: a little bit of understanding, and he had given it to me. Suddenly, the suicidal thoughts had gone."

The 2 exchanged numbers before departing.
"It was lovely to meet ya, miss Larrie. Can i call ya sometime?"asked Frankie.
"Sure, ill be waiting for your call, Frankie," she smiled. "And please, call me Valerie," she said, winking at him sensuallyy before leaving. Frankie was astounded. He had never seen such an amazing, beautiful, intelligent and sensuous being. He hoped it wasnt all a dream.

"Like 2 high school kids meeting for the first time, we exchanged numbers, promising to be in touch. Frankie is everything i wanted in a man, he has charm, wit and understanding. "

"Girls, we must let the school know about miss Larrie, then they can go and look for her," Alicechan said. The girls agreed.

The girls had gotten caught up in Miss Larrie's diary. So caught up in fact, that they had started to neglect their studies. Instead of going to ballet, Alicechan found herself sneaking off to Rosechan's house. They couldnt concentate on their jobs at Bombdiggidy's either: Rosechan kept on mixing up everybody's orders, which on one occasion proved very dangerous, when she served a diabetic girl a chocoltae malt by mistake. Because of that, they had been told to finish their shift earlier than usual. Alicechan got herself a late and sat down next to Rosechan who had the diary in front of her.

Log 5: Suffice to say, my life at Wacky High is the same, im still the most hated member of staff. But i feel stronger Frankie by my side, now my work life doesnt seem so bad. We have been going out for quite some time now, spending so much tiem together: expensive restaurants, fighting crime, driving the Viper, and last night we had the most romantic candle lit dinner at his place, after which we sat by the fire with glasses of wine, looking at each other...."

Flashback to scene with Frankie and miss Larrie drinking wine before the fire, and then starting a gentle passionate kiss.
"His kiss sent shivers down my spine. I slid my arms around his neck and felt his arms move from where they held my back and unbutton my blouse. Seconds later he picked me up and still entwined in our passion, he took me to the bedroom. Once inside i pulled him towards me and felt him continue to unbutton me while my hands slid down and started to unbuckle the black belt-"
“Ok girls, its closing time, see you tomorrow. Have a good rest now you too, and we hope you feel better tomorrow," Rick's voice broke their concentration and they hastened to close the book and put it in their bag, leaving with guilty expressions on their faces.

"We have to go and find miss LArrie," Rosechan was saying.
"Yeah, get her to come back, everybody or at least the students, all miss her. She should be given another chance,@ said Alicechan. "In fact, lets find her, right now!" The girls got on the first bus.
"Right, where do we start?" thought Buffy.
"How about the Viper Complex first? If Frankie's is there, he might be able to tell us," said Rosechan.
"Thats 4 stops from here, " said Hazel, looking at the map. The bus gave a sudden jolt and she managed to catch Alicechan before she toppled over.

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