Thursday 10 May 2007

Episode 4: Mejima Crushed

It was a sunny tuesday afternoon and yet another day of school had come to an end at Wacky High. All the kids rushed to their lockers to put their books back and zoomed off out of the building before you could say"Scrabbly yum-yummers". The Scrabbly Sistas stood by their lockers. Rosechan had her mp80 headphones in her ers and was listening to one of her favourite songs by Abba, "Chiquitita". Suddenly, they heard the familiar singing of Mejima, the thief girl who nobody ever suspected about anything. Only Alicechan and Rosechan knew the truth about her. Mejima skipped over and tripped up, landing smack into her locker.
"AAH!"she cried, then sat dazed on the floor, while little birdies flew round her head.
"Oh, hi Mejima, how are you?"said Alicechan politely. This girl had done the unspeakable to Alicechan, who would not be able to forget that, but nevertheless she was always nice to Mejima and everyone.
"Hi Alice BABES!!Its wonderful to see you!"she cried, throwing her arms around the scrabbly sista and giving her a crushing hug. Rosechan, who was busy looking for something in her locker, popped her head out and just looked at Mejima.
"Hey Mejima, what are you doing here? Shouldnt you be skipping of home?"asked Rosechan.
"Hey, its Rose!!How are you my scrabbly sistas?" The girls exchanged glances. Not only was she a thief girl, she was also mental.
"Hey girls, I-I need your help, said Mejima, her face flushed. Rosechan rolled her eyes. "Go ahead, shoot, its not lik we have all day, you know."
"Well, um, Love,"she said.
"Aww, how nice!Who is he?"said Alicechan.
"Actually, he doesnt know about it. He knows who i am but he doesnt know about my crush."
"Come on, nix with the guessing games. Who could it possibly be?Vic?or maybe even a teacher, Mr Heighway, everybodys favourite master?"wondered Rosechan.
"No!Don't be stupid. His name is Daniel."
"Daniel?!"cried the girls toegher, weirdified, trying to hide their disgust."You mean, dude with a tude guy Daniel? Man, dont you have any taste??"
"Hey, Daniel maybe a a guy with a tude, but underneath all that exterior, i know theres a sweet, lovely guy, who just wants to be loved,"she gushed.
"More like:the love of a good woman will change him?"aked Alicechan.
"Yeah, my point exactly. But i need your help girls. Im kinda worried about letting him know."
"Why?If you love a guy, you have to let him know! This is the 21 century you know, women can make a move too. If you wait around for him to notice you, you might never know what couldve been between you two. Just let him know!"advised Alicechan.
"Ok Ok, thanks Alice. Hey girls, can you tell me something about him?Do you think he'll be right for me?"
"Well, you'll have to find out for yourself. In fact, why dont you ditch your fears and go and find out right now?"said Rosechan.
"No time like the present, and remember, be yourself!"added Alicechan.
"Thanks girls, ill go over and do it right now!Um, you girls obviously know more about him than I do. Where does he usually hang out?
"He is usally in the oriental section of the library, but youd better hurry or else he might go."
"And Mejima, just a word of warning:carefull you dont get disappointed,"warned Rosechan.


"MMm!Astroid Cookies and Milk!These are delicious, thanks Kryten!"beamed Alicechan at the robot Buttler. She and Rosechan had a homework assignment meeting and were frantically trying to work out the troublesome psychology lesson.
"Youre most welcome, maam! These cookies are especially good for young girls such as yourselves, filled with vitamins and irons!"said Kryten proudly.
"Krytie makes the best healthy food!These really are a treat!And theyre just what we need to solve this stupid problem. Just thenm Alicechan looked up and saw Casper the friendly ghost at the window. He drifted through the window and arrived at the bed.
"Hey girls!You doing the same question too?"
"Sure, Casper!"said Rosechan.
"Just thought you might need a 3rd head for this!"smiled Casper.
"Thanks Casper, that be great!"said Alicechan.
"Here have an Asteroid Cookie,"Rosechan said, poppin one into Casper's mouth. "Hows everything going? How are your uncles, specially your uncle Stretch,"Rosechan said with a grin.
"Hey, theyre all fine, same as usual."
"Ok, lets get back to this, otherwise we'll never finish it,"said Alicechan.
"Yeah!"the three of them said, giving a group hi-five."

2 Hours later, there wasa buzz at the door. The three of them had finished the puzzle and were having green tea and pink chocolate ice-cream cakes, which Krtyen had purchased for them at Bombdiggidys. Rosechan abandoned her cup of tea in mid air in a frenzy to open the door, which would have fallen and broken, had Casper not caught it. She was hoping her parents were back from work.
"Hi ROSE!!"it was Mejima.
"Oh, hi Mejima (clink-clink),"said Rosechan, stupified at the hysterical girl. Alicechan and Casper appeared right behind them. Whats up?"
"Girls, I did it, i finally asked him!!"
"Wow, and?What happened?" asked Alicechan.
"He said yes!!We made a study date for tonight. Oh, im soo happy, and I owe it all to you 2. Well, id better go and get myself ready, have a bath, wash my hair and pick out my outfit!Tata!"
"Good luck!"cried the girls and Casper.
"Shes a terrible kid, I fear for her. i just hope Daniel wont upset her,"Rosechan said.
"More like the other way round: I fear for Daniel's money,"said Alicechan.


Next day, everybody was crowding around in their classrooms, talking to each other before the morning lesson started.
"Mejima, how was it?"Alicechan asked.
"It was...wonderful..even it it was just a study date, i had a really good time....That Daniel is so clever, knows so much about everything...I think ive found my date for the Halloween Hop," Mejima was sitting starring dreamily ahead, her head in her hands.
"Yeah, thats ture, just dont let him bully you into thinking like him.So you guys had fun huh?"asked Rosechan.
"Yeah, and ill tell you all about it. We studied, we talked, we shared a love cone, and then we-"
Suddenly the teacher had entered the classroom and everybody had to be quiet. Everybody turned to face the front. Some students had intent looks on their faces, others had bored/sleepy expression, others were munching on their breakfast croissants, all except Mejima, who continued to stare dreamily ahead and daydream about her hunk. It seemed that she was like that the whole day, in each of her lessons. To top it all off, she had written his name all over her bilogy book. The Scrabbly Girls couldnt help but smile at her happiness.

It was 2:00pm in the afternoon, and all the kids were walking around and chatting, the main topic of their conversations was the upcoming halloween dance, the Halloween Hop. The Scrabbly Girls suddenly noticed two figures by the lockers. Those two figures were Daniel and Mejima and they were in a passionate clinch. Daniel's mouth moved slowly to kiss Mejima's lips as he held her in his arms.
"Aww, how sweet,"thought Alicechan.
"Yeah, it seems love can work miracles,"added Rosechan, at the same time thinking of her own special crush.
"Well lets hope for those two the miracles of love will help them to change their personalities, said Alicechan. Looking at the wondrous sight, the two girls decided they didnt want to disturb the love birds any longer and left them, to go their own ways: Alicechan, to the music room to practise pianoe for an upcoming concert, and Rosechan, to the photography club for another meeting of the picture club.

Miracles usually come to an end at some point, and this was no exception. It happened during lunchtime, 1 day later. Everyone was enjoying a peaceful lunch, when the air was shattered by a sudden loud scream. Everyone looked towards the entrance. It was Mejima. She ran into the cafeteria screaming, her cheeks covered in tears.
"Mejima, whats wrong?"Rosechan asked.
"That jerk!!He did this to me!!He told me we're through!WAAH!"cried Mejima. Oh dear.
"Well, we did try to warn you, you know,"Alicechan said.
"But did you listen to us?Oh no!!We told you he wasnt a good boy,"Rosechan added.
"WAAH!!Im not gonna let him get away with this!"
"Thats the spirit, never let a jerk get off that easily."Alicechanadvised.
"Im gonna make him pay!Im gonna make him really regret having upset me!"she cried furiously.
"Uh oh, what will you do?"asked Alicechan, worried.
"I'll, i'll.....i'll sue that freak!!"
"Sue him?!Mejima, your family doesnt have that kind of money,"said Rosechan surprised.
"Yeah, and besides, is that jerk really worth it?The best thing you can about a jerk like that is forget him, just ignore him and pretend he doesnt even exist. Thats the way you'll hurt him most,"said Alicechan.
"Yes, don't even show him youre upset,"finished Rosechan. But Mejima was no longer listening to them. She was on her way to her locker to burn all memory of Daniel.


"Hey, that really is a pity about Mejima,"said Rosechan. The girls were in the classroom headed "empty classroom" ,and Rosechan was looking over the list of names of the people who were gonna attend the Halloween Hop, which was the next day.
"Yeah, she seemed so happy. That Daniel hasnt seem to have changed."
"Hey there are still a few people without dates for tomorrow night, but its only a few, discovered Rosechan."Everybody has already got a date, but i guess they all booked in advance: Lisa is going with Millhouse, Palanka is going with Gubo, Spooky is going with Poil, hey, even Vic has a date with the new girl, Jessica. That only leaves Casper, Trishy, and now Mejima. 3 in total.
"Um, Rosechan, make that 4", said Alicechan. "Count me in. I must admit, ive been so busy with that pianoe recital, i havent had a chance to think about this."
"Really? Youre not gonna go?"
"Guess I'll have to skip tomorrow night." Rosechan's eyes darted over the list. She was deep in thought.
"Hey Alicechan,"she said suddenly, "How would you like to dance the halloween hop with Casper the friendly ghost? Hes cute, and he's a good dancer."She said, winking.
"Really?Oh, i dont know..."
"Oh come on Alicechan, its just gonna be a couple of hours tomorrow night, you shouldnt worry about anything. Not only is he a great dancer, but he won't even need a costume."
"I'd love to!Ok Rosechan, im in!"
"Great! So thats two already sorted out. I just got an idea of how we can make the other 2 girls happy."
The 2 girls found Casper in the library, reading a book.
"Hey Casper,"Rosechan began, her voice in a whisper. Casper looked up."You dont have to worry about tomorrow night, I found you a date. Alicechan!"
"You did?Oh great!You know Alicechan, id been meaning to ask you myself, but i was too scared too,"admitted Casper sheepishly, his eyes fixed on Alicechan, a pair of blue eyes, which Alicechan seemed lost in.
"Hey, wake up Alicechan!"Rosa said and Alicechan immediately snapped out of it.
"What about you, Rosechan?"
"As organiser of the party, I dont think I'll have time to do anything else except greet people at the door and take photos, make sure everybody is having a great night, thats my job. Since Dujy decided she had better time to do than waste her time with the Halloween Hop, I had to take her place. It was all last minute, guys. "
"Thanks, Rosechan!"said casper and Alicechan together.
"And Casper,"said Rosechan winking at him," There are 2 more girls without dates. Could you get your uncles Fatso and Stinkie to come and be their dance partners?Oh, and get your handsome uncle Stretch to come too, his help will also be much appreciated,"she added with a mischievous wink.
"Sure, ill do it,I owe you one!"
"YEAH!"the three friends gav each other silent high fives.

It was friday 28th, night of the halloween.hop. Hoardes of couples of boys and girls in spooky dazzling costumes filled the school courtyard and moved on into the gym, where the dance was to be held. Rosechan sat by the door, a box infront of her, collecting tickets. Even without a costume, she totally looked the ghoulish babe, dressed in a black gothic top and slick black stretch-pants, complete with black boots, cut black dyed hair and black make-up. Even if she couldnt take part that night, she would still play the part and make the best of it.
"Hey Rose!“ Palanka and Gubo greeted her and gave her their tickets.
"Hey guys!Have a great time!"Rosechan smiled.
One by one kids came poring in, and as the dance hall was getting filled up. Just then, Trishy and Mejima showed up.
"I dont even know what im doing here, seeing as i have no date anyway,"said Mejima gloomily.
"Mejima, don't be sad, we have everything under control, you won't regret you came!"said Rosechan.
"Alright, this had better be good. Otherwise i'll leave."
Suddenly, Rosechan heard the sounds of a loud car exhaust and laughter. Rosechan and Mejima looked towards the entrance.
"Hi Rosechan!We're here!"It was Alicechan, being lead by Casper. "Is that Alicechan?"said Rosechan amazed at Alicechan's beautiful ballerina ghost costume."You look totally "ghoul!" said rosechan. "Thanks!"Alicechan grinned. "You dont look so bad yourself Rosechan!"
Casper's uncles followed close behind, wearing hawaiian t-shirts and carrying barrels of soda.
"WE are back!"They said in unison.
"Great!!So glad you guys could make it!We are so grateful to you! Mejima and Trishy, how would you like to dance the halloween hop with Casper's spooky uncles?" Surprisingly enough, both girls were ecstatic about the idea, and so were the uncles. "Yeah!"
"Oh, but there are only 2 of you, which means we need to of you guys. Hey Stretch, why dont you stay here and help me collect the rest of the tickets, i dont think i could cope on my own, and, um, i promise ill make it worth your while," said Rosechan with a wink and an eerie smile.
"Okay, as long as i get to spook em too!"said Stretch.
"Sure!And seeing as its not exactly Halloween today, you wont lose your stealth insurance, Spook away!"Rosechan grinned.

It was an enchanting evening. Everybody was having the time of their high school lives. Casper and his uncles proved to be the life and soul of the halloween hop. Even Mejima was having fun, dancing around with Stinkie. Daniel was nowhere to be seen. High School dances were never his cup of tea anyway. But the ones who were having the best time of all were Casper and Alicechan. Casper taught her some funky dance moves, and both won a prize.
"Rosechan was right, youre a great dancer!"smiled Alicechan as they danced a slow dance later, their arms wrapped around each other. Both smiled. Watching them from the entrance of the dance hall, Rosechan had to smile too. She was happy for her friends. Stretch was floating next to her.
"Stretchie, i wanted to thank you for helping me out, " said Rosechan, looking up at him.
"Hey, it was nothing, glad to be of service my little fleshie friend! Kid, youre alright for a fleshie ghoul, ” said Stretch softly.
"And youre not bad for a ghost,"said Rosechan, becoming lost in his purple eyes. It was hard to believe that she had finally met and was standing so close to her idol. Suddenly Rosechan snapped out of her mesmerised daze. " Hey Stretchie, now that all the tickets have been sold, would you dance with me?"
"Hey, i got a better idea, lets blow this joint and go get a pizza!"
"Great!Only one problem, i wont be able to keep up with you, as i cant flight nor float."
"No problem, ill just fly ya there!Now are we gonna go or what?"he said with a grin.
"Lets go!"said Rosechan. "Just let me txt Alicechan, to tell her not to wait up for me tonight." Rosechan flipped out her cell and typed a message. After she sent it, she flipped it shut and then Stretch lifted her in the air and flew her out of the window. They soared up into the beautiful night sky. Although only having ever flown in the comfort of a plane, Rosechan didnt feel scared at all as her idol held her tightly. Even if she wasnt able to dance the halloween hop, her night was the same, if not, more enjoyable than the other kids and ghosts.

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