Wednesday 1 August 2007

Episode 5: Busted!

guest starring: Susan Roman as the voice of Buffy

Alicechan was getting ready for her ballet lesson at Wackylands Teenybopper's dance academy. It was the same place she had studied ballet before, and unfortunately, Mejima too. But things had changed a great deal since then: new management, new students and funner lessons. It was definately better than what it used to be. Her old dance teacher, who hadnt helped her with the Mejime case, was no longer a teacher, but the new management decided to keep her on as the secretary.
"Hello Alice!" It was miss Hoover, Alicechan's lovely new teacher.
"Oh!er, Hi Miss Hoover,"said Alicechan, snapping out of her memories.
"Alice, this is Buffy, your new classmate."Miss Hoover gestured to the girl standing next to her.
"Hi!"said Buffy with a sweet smile.
"Hi Buffy!Nice to meet you!"
"Great!I know you girls would get along. Buffy has only just moved from uptown State and has enrolled at our school. I want you to show her the ropes Alicechan, you are one of the best students at our academy and I know you can do it!"
"Thanks, Miss Hoover, I'll do my best to guide Buffy, and make her feel at home!So Buffy, tell me something about yourself." said Alicechan as miss Hoover walked out.
"So Buffy, how long have you been dancing?"asked Alicechan.
"For about 10 years now!I started out, mustve been when I was just a teeny bopper!"Buffy said as she began to dress into her tutu. "I love dancing, more than anything!So how about you Alicechan?"
"Me too, since i was a teenybopper!I used to dance here too, but i quit, due to lack of time, and came back once new management took over!Come on, lets go, the lesson's about to start!"


It was 4:30, and the girls were all in the changing rooms, changing out of their tutus.
"Alicechan!!"It was Rosechan, who had just walked into the changing rooms with a camera.
"Hi Rosechan!Its such a surprise to see you here!How are you?"
"Um, same as usual, a bit busy recently as i have a project to do for the picture club."
"Wow, that sounds fun!What pictures do you need to take?"
"Anything to do with Wackyland life, so school life, teachers, kids in the cafeteria, people in the park, cartoon characters, cats and dogs, monkeys, ghosts and ghoulies, malls and companies, rainbows...say Alicechan, could i take a photo of you in your tutu for my project?"
"Smile!"Rosechan's camera clicked and the flash bulb went off. "I only just got this camera, its an Olympux 500, should be great!Thanks Alicechan!"
"Thats ok Rosechan!Rosechan, would you like to come for a coffee with me? I've only just finished my lesson and have nothing else this afternoon,"
"Sure, that would be great!Lets go Scrabbly Sista!"
"Just wait a few minutes for my friend, she should be here soon. She's a new student named Buffy, and a really lovely girl!"


A while later, the 3 girls were sitting at Bombdiggidys, sipping coffee floats. The food and beverage there had become more normal since the first time they were there. Today was also their day off.
"So, um Buffy, youre new in town huh?"asked Rosechan.
"Yes, my parents only just moved in a couple of days ago. My dream is to be a great dancer."
"You will be, you have so much potential. Tell us something about your family, Buffy,"Alicechan said. But just then, Buffy's cell phone went off. She spent about 5 minutes or so talking to her Daddy. Just then, Jay Pewter appeared at the counter of Bombdiggidys, laptop at Hand.
"Hey look, its Jay!Hey Jay, over here!"Rosechan waved at him and he came over.
"Hey Ros, hey Alice, what you girls upto?"
"Jay, this is Buffy, our new friend and ballet school classmate, meet Jay!"said Alicechan.
"Hey Jay, nice to meet you!"
"Hi!you too, Buffy."Jay joined in and the four of them enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Jay had to dash of somewhere, so the girls decided to spend the rest of the afternoon off at Alicechan's house, where Rosechan could get a sneak preview of their recital.

Next day, at the ballet rehearsal:
"Its great to see you girls!I have an important announcement to make today, about the upcoming recital...."miss Hoover began. Just then, Mejima arrived late and excused herself to the school secretary, then quietly went to the changing room. The secretary looked on after her, a suspicious expression on her face. Then she left her seat and stepped out for a few minutes.


"Oh, oh...all that practising has made my whole body achy!"groaned Buffy. "Hey, i wonder who is going to play the lead role in swan lake?"she asked Alice, then took her bag out.
"I have no idea,"said Alicechan. Just then, she heard a scream.
"Buffy?What is it?"
"My money!I think ive lost my money!"cried Buffy.
"Oh no, where did you put it?" asked a worried Alicechan.
"It was right here in my purse, hidden deeply into my bag,"
"You had better report it at once, it mustve been stolen!As student officer in charge of safety, im here to help you out, we'd better repot it immediately!"said Alicechan. Suddenly, Buffy relaxed a little.
"Um, you know, dont give it another thought Alicechan,"she said.
"I mean, im not even sure if i bought it with me today, ive been really muddle headed lately, trying to fit in and all. This always happens, i always misplace my stuff,"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, i can never find stuff when I need it, and it turns up about a month or 2 later!"Buffy broke into laughter. Alicechan relaxed a little.
"Ok, if youre sure, but if you cant find it, you must tell me,"said Alicechan.
"Ok, no worries!Lets go get a soda!You know, there was this one time......"The two girls walked out of the changing room.


It had been about a week since the missing money episode. The money still hadnt been found. Buffy hadnt mentioned it anymore since then, telling Alicechan that she cant really report it as she has no proof.
"Theres something you don't know about this place Buffy,"said Alicechan. And she admited the Mejjima escapade to Buffy.
"I think its got to be her, there are no other thieving girls here!Believe me, ive been through it, and they wouldnt help me, now i dont want you to go through the same thing as I did," said Alicechan."
"Alice, if youre my friend, could you do something for me? Don't mention this case to anyone. I'll figure it out myself. I'll find out who did it in the end. But please, dont mention it, or else everything will be ruined, and i will get kicked out. Promise?"she asked, her eyes filled with despair.
"Ok, i promise. But if there is anything I can do to help..."
"Youre doing enough already and im very grateful to you. Hey look, there are the other girls, hey girls, come join us for a trip to the mall!" Although she smiled and tried to be happy for her friend, Alicechan felt uneasy.


That same feeling followed her right through to dinner.
"Darling, are you alright?You havent touched your dinner,"said Alice's mama worried.
"Would you like to talk about it?"asked her father.
"Um, im fine thank you, not too hungry actually, i already ate at Buffy's house."said Alicechan. This was only half a lie, because she and Buffy and the other girls had already had dinner at the mall. Rosechan hadnt gone with them she was too busy with her photo project. "Could I go to my room?I'm a bit tired and would like to take a rest."
"Thats ok honey, go and have a rest",her mother said.
"And remember, if you need to talk, we're right here."said her Daddy.
"Thanks guys," said Alicechan, kissing them both. Once in her room, she got out her cellphone.
"Hello, Rosechan?"
"Hey Alicechan!Whats up? You sound a bit blue, are you alright?"
"Im ok Rosechan...Um do you have time now?Theres this thing thats been prying on my mind, and-"
"Why dont you come over and tell me about it? I'll be in my room for the rest of the evening,"said Rosechan cheerfully.
"Ok, thanks Rosechan, I'll be there in 10 minutes."Alicechan threw her cellphone into her handbag and off she went.


"Here are my latest pics!"said Rosechan proudly.
"Hey, thats a nice one, of Deedee,"said Alicechan
"And look, here is Alicechan!Pretty pretty!"Rosechan was putting all her photos into her album, titled, "My wacky pics." She also had her own Olympux developing machine.
"Wow, the pics from the Halloween Hop!"cried Alicechan. Some of them had been published in the school paper. "Wow, is that me and Casper?How coote!Aww, thats a lovely photo of you and Stretch together!Where was it taken?"
"That was at Dominose Pizza's, during the halloween hop. Stretchie flew me there and we had a humongous pizza!He is such a gentleman,"gushed Rosechan.
”And look, its Dujy!"
"Hehe, i dont think she realised id taken that pic of her,"grinned Rosechan mischievously. "So tell me Alicechan Babes, whats the matter?
"Its about Buffy. Her money has gone missing-"
"Ohno, did you report it?"
"Well, thats just the thing, she wont let me!She claims everything is alright and that she will deal with it herself, she wont let me tell anyone. In fact, shes acting really cool about it all. And whats even more strange is, she never tells us anything about her family, what her parents do.But worst of all, i promised not to tell anyone about it.
"Oh dear. Well, Alicechan, we shall take this matter into our own hands, promise or no promise." "What shall we do, Rosechan?"


It was lunchtime, and the students crowded round their lockers.
"Hey, Mejima!"shouted Rosechan as Meijima walked past. "Could you come over here a minute?"
"Sure, what is it my Sistas?"said Mejima.
"You little witch!!"Rosechan suddenly grabbed hold of Mejima and threw her against the locker. Some of the other students, who had been busy with their lockers, now turned around to look. "Youre at it again, eh?After all Alicechan has done to forgive you, we even got you a date when that chump dumped you, and how do you repay us? By playing your filthy little games again!Where is it? What did you do with it?"
"Huh, what?!"Said Mejima, completely confused. "I dont know what youre talking about."
"Oh no? Doesnt the name Buffy Springer ring any bells?"
"Of course, she is the new girl in ballet class. Im familiar with her. So what?"
"More like your familiar with her wallet!I cant believe you would do this again!How could you?"cried Alicechan. "We thought you had changed!"
"But what have i done??"cried poor Mejima.
"Stealing again, thats what!You stole Buffy's money didnt you?"yelled Alicechan.
"I didnt!I would never steal from anyone again! Did you forget i was under suspicion?Why would i be stupid enough to do the same thing?"
"Your suspicion wasnt taken seriously enough, thats why!Now, open your locker!"cried Rosechan. Mejima did so while the two of them looked on. She handed them her bag. There was no sign of the money.
"I never touched the money!Leave me alone!!"cried Mejima in tears, as she ran down the hallway.


The 2 girls were standing by the door of the dance school. Suddenly a black shiny volvo pulled up and stopped outside. A man in a black suit and glasses stepped out, and the girls were surprised when they saw who stood right beside him. It was Buffy.
"Hi girls!Meet my Dad."
"Pleased to meet you sir,"said the Scrabbly girls politely, shaking his hand.
"Hello girls, Buffy has todl me so much about you." They walked inside, followed by 2 more men in suits. The lesson still hadnt started, people were still sitting and chatting, some of them had already changed into their costumes. Just then, Buffy's father had an announcement to make.
"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for this sudden interruption, but it has come to the attention of the MI5 that there has been a theft at this academy."Everybody stopped to listen.
"My daughter has informed me that 500 pounds were stolen from her purse, which was safely hidden in her locker. Whoever commited this crime, would you step out now please." Everybody was silent, nobody dared to move.
"I said, whoever commited this crime, would you step out now please. You cant hide from the MI5, we will track you down." still nobody dared to move.
"Alright, we can solve this mystery without your help, as whoever has stolen that money will have their fingerprints on it." People gasped and started chatting.
"But thats impossible, you would have to check out everybody's fingers in the academy, and by that time, the thief will be miles away,"said Alicechan.
"Well then, how about option number 2?The thiefs hand will have a neon green mark on it."Buffys dad got out a detector and it emited a glowing green light. He held it in the crowd of students. Surprisinngly enough, it didnt beep.
"Wow, so Mejima is innocent after all,"said Rosechan.
"Thats strange, it was none of the students,"said Buffy's dad. Then he held it in the direction of the office. Suddenly, it went mad and started beeping frantically.
"WE have our thief guys,"said her dad while the other 2 guys broke down the door.
"Hey, whats on earth is going on?"cried the secretary. "You have no right to barge in like this!"Suddenly, one of the other guys grabbed her arm and looked at her hand. Sure enough, there was the proof: her hand had turned green. Everyone was shocked.
"Miss Jameson?Why would you do such a thing?"cried Alicechan.
"Alright alright,i admit i did steal the money!I had reason to do so!"Everybody was silent and listened to her story.
"Years ago, when this school started, I was the boss of this school, i was in charge of everything!And then what happened, Wackyland happened, thats what!It took over everything, including this college, new management, and what happened to me?I was kicked off my pedestal, forced to become a secretary!"
"I wouldve thought secretary was a good position,"said Buffy.
"Not when youve been chief manager!"
"Well, thats still not a good enough reason to steal, "said Miss Hoover. "And we've been good to you, we kept you on instead of firing you and we've paid you well. And this is how you repay us?"
"Theres more. A student, Alice Bennell i believe, had money stolen. And what did she do?She blamed it on my niece.My poor niece, daughter of my late brother."
"Huh?!Mejima is your niece?!"cried Alicechan weirdified.
"Yes Alice, you put the blame on a poor fatherless girl, one whose mother was grieving and desolate. I told you back then to drop the case, but you wouldnt. I wanted to avenge my family. Thats why i stole the money."


"So, the mystery has finally been solved,"said Rosechan. It was already dark and there were police cars outside the school.
"Well done Buffy, you solved the case yourself!"smiled Alicechan.
"Yes, i told you i would, thats why i didnt want you to tell anyone. I wanted to be sure."
"At least, now i understand why you never told us anything about your family,"said Alicechan.
"Yeah, who wouldve thought your dad was with the MI5?"said Rosechan. "Thats like so cool!"Buffy smiled. The girls watched as the secretary was being taken away in a police car.
"But even stranger: I never wouldve guessed Miss Jameson and Mejima were related," wondered Alicechan. "That tops all the mysteries in the world."
"Im guessing she will be put away for a long time,"smiled Rosechan.
"Girls, i wanted to thank you for being so great about all of this,"said Buffy.
"It was our pleasure!"cried the Scrabbly Sistas.
"How would you girls like to come over to my place for a sleepover?"
"Wow, would we ever!"cried Rosechan.
"We just have to let our parents know,"added Alicechan taking out her mobile phone.
"Yo dont need to do that, my dad has already informed them."grinned Buffy.
"YAY!"cried the Scrabbly girls. Each one took Buffy by the arms, and they walked on.
"Say Buffy, we know your dad is with the MI5,"started Rosechan.
"Yeah, but we dont know about your mama. What does she do?"asked Alicechan.
"Mom?Oh, she's a home-maker."

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