Sunday 26 August 2007

Episode 8: Peter the Man Scout

This episode has one or two scenes which may be unsuitable for young viewers. Nothing extreme though, dont worry!:)
Starring: Joe Nipote as Frankie Waters
Terri Hawkes as Miss Larrie
Colin O'Meara as Rick

One day the ghostly trio found themselves mysteriously in the jungle. They were surrounded by palm trees with huge leaves and ultra long hives, and loud noises: WOOAH! WOO-AH-AH-AH!!CROOEE!CROOEE!!CROOEEEEE!!!!
"Where are we?"said Fatso.
"This doesnt look like Whipstaff,"added Stinkie.
"I got a bad feeling about this," said a worried Stretch.

Meanwhile, back in Wackyland:
"Should be a great night out,"said Rosechan.
"Thats scrabbly! I havent been on a night out like this in a long time!"added Alicechan. It was a november evening and Alicechan and Rosechan were on a night out, at Wackyland's Comedy Bar, the pub where entertainment took place every evening, in the form of music and comedy, where sometimes famous comedians would come and perform. Common people too, such as workers, students and home-owners could book an appointment to perfom there, and on some special occasions, there were Scrabulous nights and Poetry nights. Initially, Hazel was supposed to go with her mom, but due to a sudden change in plans, neither could attend. So Rosechan was given those tickets, and took advantage of the kind offer by inviting Alicechan. Now the two girls were waiting in anticipation for the show to begin.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonights show!" Finally the announcer came on, dressed in a purple tuzedo and matching trousers. Further along, Bart Simpson and his girlfriend were sitting, dressed in their evening best. Yes, this was the pub where cartoon celebs came too, so it was the perfect opportunity to mingle with them.
"We have a new guest tonight, he is a well respected teacher at Wacky High, please give a big welcome to mr. Peter Cavalier!" The crowd cheered as Peter Cavallier came up on stage.
"Huh?!" cried Rosechan in surprise. "I had no idea he was into comedy!"
"How scrabbly!" agreed Alicechan.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonights show!Glad to see you all here!" Peter started his comedy routine, which took at lleast half an hour. Sadly, it wasnt all that funny. Finally, Peter finished with a performance of "Purple People Eater."
"Thank you very much Peter!That was great, mixing comedy with singing!Very well done!"said the announcer as everybody burst into applause.
"Thank you very much everybody, you have been a great audience!Thank you for coming!"Then Peter went backstage but strangely enough, nobody followed for an autograph. The scrabbly girls decided to check out what was going on. They went to Peter's dressing room.
"Thank you everybody, ill gladly give out autographs now, just please do wait a moment," he said, without even turning around. "Oh, hello girls, lovely to see you."
"Hi Peter, you were great tonight!"the scrabbly girls said.
"Thank you ladies, glad you enjoyed the show."
"Yes, and we want to invite you for some drinks," added Alicechan.
"Thanks girls, but maybe another time, ok? Im flat out knackered now, and i have to give an interview in a coupld of minutes. Its not easy being a celebrity you know, specially with the paparazzi hot on your trail."
The scrabbly girls looked at one another, then bidding Peter goodnight, started off on their way home.
"Dont you think Peter is behaving strangely tonight?"sked Alicechan, once they were on the bus. "Yeah, i mean, for a celebrity he didnt seem all that happy, " added Rosechan.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:
"Valerie, this is crazy! Lets go back right this minute!"
"Sorry Frankie, But this is the only way!"
"No Valerie, the whole school will be worried sick!This isnt the answer to your problems!" Frankie Waters cried in exhasperation.
"Im sorry Frankie, i just cant spend another minute in that awful place! That school will be the death of me! But im so lucky to have met you! Oh Frankie...." the brunette had pulled over and stopped the car, then threw herself around the Viper mechanic into a passionate kiss. She was beautiful, a brunette in a physicians robe and hair which fell in waves over her beautiful face. But she had had enough of Wacky High, where she was treated badly by most of the staff, and had found love with the Frankie. At that moment a broadcast came onto the radio, saying that Wacky High were still searching for miss Larrie, the physics teacher. Fat chance, thought miss Larrie, and with her legs wrapped around Frankie she stretched out her stilleto and switched it off.

Next day, at Lucky 7's arcade, Alicechan and Rosechan were sitting at the wheels of the Drive Simulator and were trying in vain to get it to work. Having swallowed at least 10 of their coins, it was still a no-go.
"Alright, that does it!"cried Rosechan furiously undoing her belt. "Lets get the manager!" The two of them went to find the manager, who naturally wasnt in. They gave that up and went over to Bombdiggidies for their shift.
"Hey Rick,"they greeted their fellow co-worker.
"Hey girls, whats new?"smiled Rick.
"Oh you know, nothing much, windy bothersome day,too many people, swindling arcades..."complained Rosechan. Suddenly Alicechan remembered something.
"Hey Rick, we went to the Comedy Bar last night, and guess who was performing there?Peter!"
"Huh, so soon? It didnt take him long to find anew job," wondered Rick.
"What do you mean?"asked Rosechan.
"You girls dont know? He lost his tv show. It was on the news last night. Apparently he wasnt doing so well in the past few weeks and it had to be cut by the NBC."
"Oh gosh, really?Poor Peter,"thought Alicechan.
"So thats why hes taken to unfunny comedy routines," Rosechan pitited him.
"Here, look at this,"Rick got out a dvd and popped it into the tv. "Yesterday's news archives."
Sure enough, yesterday's news came on, saying how last night's episode was Peter's last.
"Jeez, thats bad, poor guy,"said Rosechan, stirring up a mug of hot choc.
"Its just so sudden,"added Alicechan.
"If there was something we could do about it," thought Buffy.
"You mean, help him to get his show back?" asked Hazel.
"That would be good, except for the people of Wackyland. You know what theyre like, once something is bad and unpopularlular, they hate it with a passion," said Rosechan. That night, Peter was at Moe's Tavern, getting drunk by the minute on beers and martinis. He was having a drinking competition with Barney Gumble and Homer Simpson, while chatting up all the pretty young girls and behaving in the utmost weird way. Barney and Homer decided to pick him up and run him back to his place, instead of letting him drive home. "Im alright!"protested Peter, right before being thrown into his girlfriend's car, who was being passionate with another guy (no, it wasnt miss Larrie and Frankie.)

Next day, as soon as first class was over, the girls immediately went over to Peter's staff room.
"Hey Peter, were sorry to hear about what happened,"started Alicechan.
"Yes, but dont worry, we' re here to help you get back into showbiz, added Rosechan. Buffy nodded. Before Peter had a chance to answer, he was magically fitted with a pair of zoomer roller-blades by Hazel and zoomed out of the room. "Yaaaaaah!Where are you girls taking me?" yelled Peter as he vaulted down the steps. "Well, you do have to make a good impression in comedy,"called Alicechan after him. A while later, the girls appeared at Wackyland's Studios.
"We have brought back Peter, you were wrong to axe his show,"they said to one of the workers severely. The studio they were in was being prepared for a scene in a tv drama.
"Sorry girls, but we have no time for silly jokes,"the worker replied. Both girls were picked up and thrown out of the room.
"Gosh, how frightfully rude!"grumbled Rosechan.
"There must be something that can be done,"said Alicechan to one of the assistants. "Are you sure theres absolutely no chance of anything for Peter, even a guest role in a tv series?"Now they were both in the manager's office. Peter was sitting next to them, still dazed and confused. He looked like a clown, with a red nose and messy tangled hair, and his trousers were coming down. Make that a drunk clown.
"Sorry girls, but schedule is very busy and there doesnt seem to be anything on offer." The manager was a kindly middle aged fat man, dressed in a tuxedo. He was still looking at his schedule.
"Thats a shame. Thanks for your time." The two girls and Peter left. Peter didnt even seem to realise what was going on.
Subdued, the girls walked on, with Peter walking behind them , talking gibberish. They stopped a taxi and got in. Suddenly, the manager came after them. "Wait girls, wait!"he called out just as they were getting into the taxi. But it was too late. The manager, a fat guy, started running after the taxi and after about 3 stops, he managed to stop it. “Uhoh, what does the fat guy want?" said Rosechan annoyed.
"Girls!Wait! I have a job for Peter!Please come on back to the Studio!"he cried exhausted.

"What did you have in mind?" asked Alicechan.
"Seems we do have a space after all, "said the manager, leafing through his schedule. "We need somebody to appear in the ad forScoot Scout Cookies!"
A while later, Peter came out, dressed in a extra large sized girls scout uniform. The scrabbly girls had a hard time holding in their laughter."MMMMPFF!"
"No, you idiots! You gave him the wrong uniform!!I said Man Scout, not girl scout!"yelled the manager angrilly. A few minutes later Peter came out dressed in the propper gear. So it was settled. Peter was going to appear in the ad for Scoot Scout Cookies. The girls cheered. "You look great Peter!"smiled Alicechan.
"Thanks Alice!But to tell you the truth, i was beginning to feel very comfy in the girl scout uniform," admitted Peter. The girls exchanged werdified glances.
Later that day, the girls were at Trocadero again, this time the drive simulator had worked and they had won a gazillion tokens. Now they received their wacky prizes.
"Mine is a can of Capmbell Soup!"laughed Alicechan.
"Ohno, mine is a can of Heniz Boked Bones!" Rosechan burst into hysterical laughter. Suddenly the tin of Boked Bones opened up and the little boked bones jumped out and made a bow. Then Alicechan's Capmbells soup can opened, and the meatballs jumbed out and joined the boked bones and they did a short little dance, at the end of which they said, "Thank you for playing at Wackyland's Lucky 7!Come again soon!"
The girls were near the bowling alley, and there was a tv screen behind the counter. Just then, Peter's ad came on. " Make sure you buy Scoot Scout Cookies for your man!"Peters said, dressed in his ManScout uniform. The girls giggled.
"Glad we could help Peter out," smiled Alicechan.
"Me too! Hopefully he'll become famous again and find his way back into the public's hearts," added Rosechan.
Suddenly, they were interrupted by a strange lady, who came to the bowling alley with her two kids.
"I cant believe the trio, theyre so stupid! I cant trust them to play a simple game of snakes and adders without them getting lost in the jungle!" WEIRD, thought the girls.

Sunday 5 August 2007

Episode 7: Last dinosaurs

"Denver, the last dinosaur, he's my friend and a whole lot more!" People were starting to shuffle around and get up out of their seats as soon as the movie came to an end and the credits and theme song came on. Like always, Rosechan prefered to stay on and check out the credits, something she did with everyt movie she saw. A few bits of popcorn still danced around at the bottom of the carton.

"Wow, what a scrabbly movie! I read many good reviews about it in the paper!"said Alicechan once they were outside.
"Yeah!Im glad they finally managed to make Denver the last Dinosaur into a movie!"gushed Rosechan. "It was about time, what with all the other 80s cartoons being given the big screen make-over!"
"Yes, and Denver actually looks good on the big screen!"added Alicechan. "Shall we go to TGI's?I've got those, "eat as much as you like" tickets!
"Good on ya Alicechan!lets go!"The two girls were off on their way.


"Miss Rosa Maam!!Wake up!!You'll be late for school!"Kryten was calling Rosechan.
"Eee-ahh..."Rosechan yawned. "Oh no!!" I'm gonna be late for first class!" throwing on her jeans and black t-shirt, she made a run for it, tripping up and doing a sommersault down the stairs.
"Here is your breakfast, maam,"said Kryten.
"Sorry Kryten, theres no time!"she cried, dashing past the kitchen to grab her lunch-box.
"You must eat something!Your health is most important!"
"Dont worry about me, ill just eat an early lunch today."
"Miss Rosa, wont you at leats let me drive you to school?"Kryten said exasperated.
"No its ok, ill ride my bike to school, it will be healthier!See you Kryten!"she grabbed her bike and was just about to go when she noticed a huge truck one block down. Two heavy built men were carrying boxes of something, and putting them in the back. Rosechan was just about to go on, when she noticed that those were actually cages, and there were animals inside!"This doesnt look good, I'd better check it out,"she thought, abandoning he bike and secretly sneaking inside the truck. She gasped at what she saw: there were rows upon rows of cages, some big and some small, there were animals of every sort: mice, cats, dogs, bears, lions, lizards, chickens. Needless to say, they all looked sad and depressed. She was appaled. Just then, the back of the truck opened again and she had to hide. She held her breath as the men put in a few more boxes, then got infront and took off. Rosechan breathed a huge sigh of relief. As she got up, she noticed she had been hiding infront of an animal in a net. It was a huge animal, was green with blue eyes, and looked like a dinosaur.
"Denver!"she cried. Yes, it was her favourite dinosaur, Denver, the last Dinosaur. It felt so surreal, having watched the cartoons and his movie, and now standing face to face with him. "Oh Denver, what have they done to you?Wait, let me help you."She tried to pull the net appart, but it was impossible. She felt in her pocket and to her luck found a penknife with a lighter. "Look out Denver, ill have you free in a minute."She began cutting andburning the net until it finally came lose. Denver looked really happy and started making his cute Dino sounds. Rosechan smiled and gave him a big hug."Don't worry Denver, i wont leave you, ill save you, and all you other animals!" How am i going to do that?I'm gonna need a miracle. But whatever it takes, ill do it for the animals, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, the kids were having their lesson with Manuelie.
"Alice, do you have any idea where your friend Rose is today?"Manuelie questioned Alicechan.
"Um, no, miss, i havent heard from her since yesterday evening. She might be sick." Alicechan was also puzzled as to Rosechans lateness. Normally, Rosechan came early, except of course when there was an emergency.

Back in the van, Rosechan had sat down next to Denver and was trying to figure out what to do next. Heck, she didnt even know where they were going. And, she started to feel hungry. She got out her Denver the Dinosaur lunchbox and showed it to Denver, who smiled proudly.
"Are you hungry Denver?"she checked through it: a sandwhich, an apple, a banana, a chocolate bar, a can of OJ, and...a bag of chips!
"Here you go, Denver, these are for you!"she remembered very well that the one thing Denver loved to eat most was potato chips. Denver was so happy he swallowd the whole packet. Rosechan laughed as she bit into her apple. All the other animals seemed to calm down a little. She shared her lunch with the rest of them too,as best she could. As they were eating, Rosechan noticed a label on one of the cages, which read, "Professor Beardknife experiments, 21 Starlight." Aha!Thought Rosechan. Now i know where were going! I must let Alicechan know. She took out her cell, but to her horror, the battery was low. Oh no!!She cried.


Alicechan was in the playground, reading a book. Rosechan is probably just ill today, i hope its nothing serious. She thought. But that uneasy feeling still followed her. After all, it wasnt like Rosechan not to turn up to a whole lesson.
"Hey Alicechan,you ok?"It was the Denver gang, Mario, Shades and Wally.\
"Hey guys, im just worried about Rosechan's abscence. She didnt come to morning class."
"Thats weird, Denver seems to be gone too,"said Wally. Just then, Alicechan's cellphone gave a beep. "Hello?Rosechan!!Where are you?You got me worried!"cried Alicechan.
"Hi Alicechan, theres no time to lose, my phones battery is nearly in a van with animals in cages.."she could hear her phone running out.
"What Rosechan?"asked Alicechan.
"Um, me and the animals are in trouble, were headed for Professor Beardkinfe's lab, remember that, Professor Beardknife's lab, call the police..."Her phone's battery died.
"Rosechan?Rosechan??"cried Alicechan exhasperated. "Hey guys, i think Rosechan may be in trouble,"she told Mario and Shades, not being able to make head or tail of anything.


Rosechan sat glumly in the van, really regretting not having recharged her phone the night before. She got out her Olympux camera.
"Hey Denver, youre my favourite Dinosaur and i want to take a photo of you for my scrapbook!" But just then, the van seemed to stop and the men all got out. Again, Rosechan hid herself. She was relieved that they were getting out, it felt like ages travelling around in that bumpy "coffin." She watched as the two men started taking out boxes, and finally Denver. They didnt even realise he had been freed from the net. Rosechan followed close behind, making sure not to get caught. Luckily she got into the building after them, just as the door began to close. The animals were thrown into what looked like an empty store room.
"Well, did you get me the animals?Where are they?"a womans voice could be heard.
"There right over here, professor Beardknife," one of the men said and opened the door. Rosechan wasnt sure she had heard correctly. Professor Beardknife was a woman??That wasnt possible!Sure enough, from where she was hiding, she could see a tall, beautiful brunette. She doesnt look like a Beardknife,and everyone knew professor Beardknife was a man. The men started to apprach the room. "Dont worry guys, im right behind you, i wont abandon you,"Rosechan whispered to the animals and Denver.
"Well well, a Dinosaur!Where on earth did you get that?"prof.Beardknife was amazed. "Well, seeing as he's special, I'll take him first,"she said evilly. The men came up and got hold of a terrified Denver. Rosechan knew she had to do something, she couldnt wait for the police anymore. She didn't care if she got caught, she would take matters into her own hands.
"Hey!Leave him alone!"she cried angrilly at the men. They stopped and turned around.
"A girl?"they all cried in astonishment.
"Idiots!!Why have you brought a spy?"cried prof Beardknife angrilly.
"Im a member of the FSS, and you are under arrest for stealing animals and experimenting!"she cried, flashing her FSS card.
"Well, this looks interesting,"thought Prof. Beardknife. "I don't usually do human experiments, but i guess i can make an exception for you!Get her!"The men grabbed hold of Rosechan. Oops, she thought. Bad move.
"Let me go!"she yelled. "Anyway,youre not prof Beardknife, everybody knows he's a man!"
"Youre right, im not!Im prof Beardknife's daughter!"she said triumphantly. So that was it! Rosechan found herself being strapped down to a table by 2 heavy men.
"Whata re you going to do?"she cried.
"Just a little experiment,"said prof Beardknife calmly, preparing a needle.
"NO!!I HATE needles!!cried Rosehan wincing. "Specially if I dont know whats in them or where they've been!"She had to do something, flatter the woman even.
"Youre such a beautiful intelligent strong woman, why would you do something so evil? Experimenting on Humans and animals, when you could use your talents in a better way?" Beardknife seemed to stop at this comment,and for a moment, it seemed she was going to have a change of heart.
"Shut up!!I was tormented as a child for far too long, everybody laughed at me because i was a failure!Well now i'm sick of being a failure!"she yelled, tears falling down her eyes. She came towards Rosechan, who felt herself going faint as she saw the glistening needle in the air. Then it came down..
"FREEZE!!Drop everything!Youre under arrest!" Rosechan thought she had already received the injection and that she was knocked out.She opened her eyes and to her surprise, she saw prof Bearknife was still holding the injection in mid air, looking towards the entrance, where Alicechan and the Denver gang, the police and FSS where standing, the FSS holding their pistols ready. Rosechan was so happy she couldve cried. "You guys made it!"she cried.
"Yes Rosechan,"said chief. "As soon as she got your call, Alicechan did the most wisest thing she could do, which was to call us. We did a search on prof Beardknife and found out the hideout where all the experiments are done." Alicechan and Shades came to set Rosechan free. All the big guys had been arrested, but the evil mastermind was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, everyone heard the screeching of tyres outside. She'd gotten away! The FSS and the ploice ran out after her. Meanwhile, Rosechan, Alicechan and the Denver gang started to set the animals free. "So thats whereyou went, Denver!"laughed Wally as Denver licked him.


It was 5pm and the Scrabbly Sistas were at the FSS, together with the FSS, police, Denver and the gang. All of them were eating cookies and sandwhiches and drinking tea and coffee. Rosechan was famished, so she ate 10. Prof Elenor Beardknife had been arrested and put in a cage together with the men, staring angrily at them. "Fools! she cried. "Out of all the things i asked you bring, you had to bring an undercover brat!"
"Wonder how she likes it!" laughed Rosechan.
"Girls, on behalf of the FSS, i wanted to thank you for your bravery and helping us to put away this mad scientist. Well done Rosechan, for having the guts to follow them to the hideout, something we've been trying to trackdown for a long time. And Alicechan, well done for having alerted us of the danger!"Chief was very proud.
"Oh it was nothing,"said Rosechan modestly.
"Always glad to help!"said Alicechan happily. Just then, Rosechan thought of something. "Theres something i wanted to do, but didnt get the chance to do so. Alicechan, could you do it for me please?"She handed Alicechan her camera, then climbed on Denver's back.
"Smile!"said Alicechan and took the picture. That was the one thing Rosechan wanted, to take a photo of her favourite Dinosaur. After that, everybody ahd a group photo together with the animals too, then a photo for the paper.
In her room, Rosechan hummed happily as she put her photo of Denver in her scrapbook, next to the group photo. Underneath it, she wrote: "Me and my favourite Dino-buddy, Denver!"

Thursday 2 August 2007

Episode 6: Howling Rosa

Starring: Tara Strong as Hazel

It was a late beautiful spring day in Wackylandparks, and everything was peaceful, birds were chirping, and people were sitting on benches chatting, or having scrabbly picnics. Wackyland Parks was really huge, stretching out for acres, making it bigger than Hollywood Park, which was usually where all the celebs could be found. So huge in fact, that at one point there was a zoo and a playground with paddling pool, and during the summer time, an intergalactic travelling circus would come over and set up its cosmic tent in the park. Actually, the intergalactic circus was one of Rosechan's favourite things to do in Wackyland, and she couldnt wait till the summer time. She had aready seen the posters and banners for it, even collected leaflets for it and saved numerous webpages. Rosechan was walking through the park, listening to NKOTB on her mp80(one of her favourite 80s bands), and walking her dog..Correction-it wasnt her dog, it was her new neighbour's dog, the elderly couple who had just moved into the flat right next door to hers. Seeing as her parents never allowed her to keep a dog, she was happy enough to offer her neighbours her dog-walking service. Suddenly, Rosechan stopped and looked ahead of her, where something interesting was going on: By the river was a circle of people, dancing a horo [Bulgarian Folk Dance]. In the middle of the circle was a band of Bulgarian folk musicians, playing drums, fiddles and bagpipes. Then she noticed something very funny: a doggie was dancing together with the people, one person on either side of it holding it by the paws, and its feet were about 1 foot in the air because it was so small. Rosechan nearly burst out laughing, it was the funnies thing she'd seen in a long time.
"Hee!I must take a picture of that for my scrapbook, its a classic."She started searching frantically for her olympux. She moved closer to get a better view. Suddenly, the dog she was walking was getting very excited (because of the funny doggie), and Rosechan immediately grabbed the leash and had to hold it down quite hard.
"Easy puppy Joe, easy boy,"she said to him, starting to get worried. It was a tough job holding the leash hard as the dog kept trying to run. Then, to her surprise, the dog just rushed forward and the leash snaped, and the dog was catapulted into the air and flew into the forrest somewhere."No!" cried Rosechan in terror. She just stood there, staring after the dog, which was nowhre to be seen.
"Hey Rosechan, "It was Alicechan, also out for a walk in the park.
"My scrabbly sista!So lovely to see you!"She suddenly cried.
"What are you doing this afternoon?"asked Alicechan
"Erm, out for a walk and er, losing my neighbour's dog, is what im doing, "said Rosechan weirdified.

The girls had been walking for a long time, but all the while Rosechan felt uneasy. The dog was nowhere to be seen.
"Don't worry Rosechan," said Alicechan. "Im sure we will find that dog somehow."
It got dark and the girls suddenly didnt know where they were anymore. They were surounded by a huge forrest of tall, creepy looking trees and flying mousey-bats.
"Oh no, we've been walking for so long, we havent realised the time,"said Rosechan worried."Im gonna arrive home late, without a dog, what am i going to do?I need a miracle!"she cried in despair.
"Hello girls,"somebody said. The girls stopped in their tracks.
"Hazel?Hazel from class 2b?What are you doing here?"cried Alicechan. Hazel was their classmate at Wacky high, who was a witch girl and was very good at spelling. She was carrying a cardboard box.
"I live here, and i was just out for a stroll. What are you girls doing here, so far and so late?"Rosechan told her her tale of woe.
"Perhaps i can help. Look what i have here."she took off the lid of the box. In it were 7 puppies.
"COOTE!!Hello cute little doggy woggies!"Rosechan gushed at them.
"Werewolf pups!"said Hazel proudly. "Freda just gave birth, but there are just too mane of them and my mom cant keep them all, so we have to give them away."
"Excellent!Im saved!"cried Rosechan. Hazle picked one out randomly and handed it to her. The little puppy looked very cute and sleepy, a little brown ball of fluff. Rosechan held it in her arms.
"What should we feed him?And are you sure its safe?It is a werewolf"asked Alicechan.
"Just meat of course. And no worries, theyre all tame."
"Thanks Hazel, youve saved my life!Bye now!"Rosechan and Alicechan both left.
Back home, Rosechan hid the werewolf pup into a basket in her room and let it sleep. Her parents werent to find out about it.


Hazel was in her room, when her mother magically appeared.
"Honey, did you manage to give the puppies away?"
"Yes mom, well, one of them at least." Her mother looked in the box. She suddenly got a strange expression on her face. "Hazel, you didnt give away Furball, did you?"she asked worried.
"Whats wrong?"
“Out them all, the brown one hadnt been tamed yet, its still able to bite people!"cried her mother in terror.
"Oh no!!"cried Hazel and flew out on her broom, hoping to catch up with the girls. They were nowhere to be seen. She transferred herself into Alicechan's bedroom, who was at her computer. "Alice!"
"Hazel!Hi!So lovely to see you so soon!"cried Alicechan."Would you like some green tea?"
"Alice, theres no time to lose!Rose is in serious danger!"and she explained the mix-up to Alicechan.

Meanwhile, Werewolf pup was awake and Rosechan wanted to feed it some raw steak. The pup's eyes brightened at the smell of raw meet and glowed yellow.
"Here you go, wubsy, one rare steak, coming up!"Rosechan noticed the pup was staring at her in a strange way. “Wubsy?WAAARRGH!!!"

"Oh no, thats terrible!"cried Alicechan."We'd better get to Rosechan's quick, before its too late."
The girls arrived at Rosechan's door and were greeted by Rosechans Mama.
"Hi Alicechan, come in!"
"Hi Mrs Cole, this is my friend Hazel, and we need to talk to Rosechan, its very urgent."
"Shes upstairs in her room, but she seemed a bit tired. She has been studying for her exam until late at night." The two girls rushed upstairs into Rosechan's bedroom.
"Rosechan!"They cried. "You were given the wrong puppy by mistake!Rosechan?"
Rosechan was sitting on her bed, staring blankly ahead.
"Rosechan?Are you alright?"asked Alicechan.
"Hi guys, im fine, just tired, revising for that exam."
"Wheres the puppy?"asked Hazel. "I need to take him back."
"He should be sleeping, thats when i last saw him." Rosechan went to her desk to revise. The girls went over to "Wubsy"s basket, but he was nowhere to be seen.


Next morning, Rosechan got up, feeling hungover. She got up and scratched her head, her hair sweaty and matted clung to her head and neck. Ugh.
"Ooh, whats wrong with me? My head hurts as if ive been partying and drinking last night..Ooh...maybe i have been, ive just forgotten..I'll ask Alicechan.."Her eyes happened to fall on the clock next to her bed, which read 7:45. This was a nasty wake-up call.
"Yikes, im gonna be late!"she cried and jumped out of bed, practically throwing her clothes on and rushing down the stairs and out of the house on her bike, managing to avoid nearly getting hit by a truck, and then a prison van. By the time she arrived to class, it had already started and everybody was doing the test. Thank goodness its Huang Dianie's lesson and not Manuelie's lesson, she'd throw a fit. She excused herself to a smiling Huang Dianie and sat down next to Alicechan. During the first part of the lesson she did her best to concentrate on the test and actually finished it before anyone else, even though she felt horrible and extremely tired. Then, about half-way through, she started to feel a strange sensation coming over her. It started from her head, then went down to her shoulders, down to her abdomen, her stomach, through her legs and then her feet. The sun was shining brightly outside and seemed it was the cause of the strange feeling. Staring ahead of her, wide-eyed, she suddenly got up.
"Rosechan, are you alright?"asked Alicechan. "Should i get Huang Dianie?Do you need...Rosechan??!"Alicechan cried in terror at what she saw infront of her. Rosechan had sprouted long nails (although they looked more like claws) was starting to behave eradically, scratching and itching so hard that it looked like she would claw her flesh right off. All the other classmates and Huang Dianie too froze stared in horror at what they saw. Everybody gasped as Rosechan started sprouting hair, first on her face then slowly on the rest of her body, losing her clothes and slowly becoming- a werewolf. Rosechan stood up and howled at the sun, clawing the air. "ARRRRRROOOOOOO!" The transformation was over.


"Thank God you told me, i got out as soon as i got your call,"witch Hazel said. She had appeared into the classroom.
"But Rosechan has disappeared, she ran off somewhere,"said Huang Dianie, still very much shaken up. Alicechan and James stood next to her."Please, what can you do Hazel?" Hazel had a plan. She took out a contraption, which was a "werewolf detector." Then she got on her broom and sped forward, Alicechan, James and Jennie following behind.
"There she is!"cried Hazel once they were in the gym. Sure enough, there was the Rosechan wolf, trying to climb up the walls, snarling amd growling.
"Here Alicechan, you'd better take this,"Hazel's mother appeared suddenly, hading her a leash.
“What will you do?"asked Alicechan.
"I will give her a tranquilizer, meanwhile, as soon as i catch her, i want you to tie this leash around her neck." It proved a difficult task, but it worked. Soon Rosechan had been hit with the tranquilizer and her snarling ceased, and she started to fall asleep. Helped by Malte and James, Alicechan managed to get the wolf out of the gym.


A while later, everybody waited for the substitute teacher, Manuelie. Alicechan had the Rosechan wolf on the chair next to her, which was dozing peacefully, like a big friendly Golden Retriever.
"I'm sorry Alice, but you know the rules, no pets are allowed in the school!"said Manuelie fiercely.
"But, miss,"Alicechan started. Rosechan started to wake up and it took a while for her to focus. Suddenly, realising where she was, she got very upset and moved around frantically, snarling and trying to bite Manuelie. Manuelie was so scared, she had to step back.
"No Rosechan!"Alicechan and Hazel, holding her back. Before Manuelie could stop them, Rosechan lunged forward and rushed out of the room, dragging them along behind her. Then came the worst part. Rosechan's leash snapped, and she was catapulted into the dark forest.
"Oh no!!ROSECHAN!!"cried both girls in despair.


It was already 4:00pm and Rosechan still hadnt come back. All her classmates were very worried about her, and so was Huang Dianie.
"We had better call the AFBI(Animal FBI)", said mr Power, the gorgeous Canadian teacher.
"Oh Rosechan, where are you?" thought Alicechan.


"Well Rosechan Wolf, how nice of you to join me, youre just in time for a midnight snack!"said the Cryptkeeper. It was already 12:00 at night and Rosechan had been running for hours through the wood, and had somehow found her way to the Crypt, where the Cryptkeeper had greeted her. Now she lay on the floor panting with a sad look on her face, meanwhile the Cryptkeeper brought out some mouldy snacks from the fridge and his book.
"There there now, its alright, things could be much worse,"he said assuringly, patting her on her hairy head. She looked up towards him and seemed to feel better. So much better in fact that she suddenly stood up on her hind legs, and holding onto the Cryptkeeper with her front paws, started licking his face frantically .
"Hey!Easy now, little friend,"he cackled, astonished. Suddenly the clock struck 01:00 and it was time for his story. Just then, the werewolf started feeling that strange feeling as Rosechan had earlier on in class and slowly the wolf began to disappear until Rosechan was back to normal, save for a small hairy patch on her back.
"Huh?!"cried Rosechan suddenly. "What am i doing here?!"She was shocked to see herself holding onto the Cryptkeeper. She suddenly remembered everything and why she was in such a strange situation. "Um, thanks Crypty for everything, but its late and i really better be going home, my parents will be worried sick and ground me for life."She dashed out. "Thanks again!"she called again before she left. The Cryptkeeper just stared astounded.
"Boy, did she run our fast!"he broke into an eerie smile.


Rosechan had been running for hours and finally arrived at her block, where not only her family, Alicechan and Kryten were waiting, but also the police, the FBI, the AFBI, and the whole school it seemed. Suddenly AFBI members jumped out, brandishing a branding stick (similar to the one used on cows)and branded her while pinning her down. "Freeze!Dont move!" Rosechan screamed as the red hot metal scalded her back. There was still a bit of fur left, so it wasnt as bad as she thought. Just then, Hazel's mother stepped in front and said, "I'll deal with this,"She got out a transquilizer and jabbed Rosechan with it, who passed out immediately.


Rosechan woke up in her own living room, thinking she'd just had a bad dream, feeling dazed and confused. Her watch read 2:00. Then she saw the crowded living room, and there were people standing over her, so she knew it wasnt a dream.
"Rosalina are you ok?"It was her parents, relieved to see their daughter back.
"Im ok, thanks, im so happy to see you!"she hugged her family tightly.
"Im afraid your case isnt yet finished. You see, you may be back to normal now, but the same thing will happen tomorrow and everyday after that,"explained Hazel's mom. Rosechan and her family looked worried.
"However, rest assured, there is a cure for this,"everyone was relieved,"Though it might not be too pleasant,"she added.
"oh no, what do i have to do?"asked Rosechan worried.
"Well, werewolves eat meat, right?Its very simple. All you have to do is eat a whole steak, and you will never turn into a werewolf again."
"Is that all?"Rosechan burst out laughing."Thats nothing."
"Yeah, but the catch is, you have to eat a raw steak, all of it, you can't spit it out or vomit it,"grinned Hazel. Rosechan's face turned to disgust.

It was a tough job, but Rosechan managed to eat that raw steak. Her parents, Alicechan, Hazel and Casper stood by as she ate it. Every now and then she wanted to spit it out or vomit, but they wouldnt let her. In fact, her mama kept her mouth shut as she chewed on her last piece,until she had swallowed it and all was gone.
"There!That wasnt too difficult, was it?"said Hazel.
"No, it was fine!Really, no worries."Everybody laughed. "Theres just one problem though, Furball has gone missing. "


It was a week later, after the whole Werewolf Caper. Rosechan and her family were sitting down to dinner together with Alicechan and her parents, Kryten, Hazel and her mother. Rosechan was holding a sleeping Furball in her arms, then she got up and put him in his basket as it was time to eat. You see, Rosechan got to keep a dog after all, even if it was no ordinary dog. Hazel's mother,who had been responsible in the first place and felt terrible, insisted Rosechan take the cash. Rosechan did so, but prefered to have a puppy instead, and no other puppy but Furball, who had started it all. So now she was able to keep Furball without any worries. But not after he had gone through the same procedure as she had, to rid him his werewolf rabbies, making him fierce but safe to humans and animals. And Rosechan had vowed from that day on, never to walk anybody's dog ever again, anybody's except hers.

"Yeah, my time as a werewolf was quite an experience, scary, funny and weird at the same time," Rosechan said. She and Alicechan were out, walking Furball.
"Wow, what a thing to happen," said Alicechan.
"It was a day full of adventures, after i ran from the school, i ran through the town, then the, Furball, we don't bite old ladies!"Rosechan said strictly to wubsy. "No, we don't growl at the birdies either!And then, tired out and everything, i found i was lost in the woods, and i came across a really spooky old house, and who was there to greet me?The Cryptkeeper!"
"The Cryptkeeper?You say the most wacky things, Rosechan,"laughed Alicechan. Suddenly Furball stopped and started sniffing around some guy in shorts, a tall skinny guy. The guy turned around and winked at Rosechan. Furball tried to snap at him. Rosechan froze.
"No, Furball....she began slowly, "we dont bite the Cryptkeeper!"she grinned at the Cryptkeeper.

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Episode 5: Busted!

guest starring: Susan Roman as the voice of Buffy

Alicechan was getting ready for her ballet lesson at Wackylands Teenybopper's dance academy. It was the same place she had studied ballet before, and unfortunately, Mejima too. But things had changed a great deal since then: new management, new students and funner lessons. It was definately better than what it used to be. Her old dance teacher, who hadnt helped her with the Mejime case, was no longer a teacher, but the new management decided to keep her on as the secretary.
"Hello Alice!" It was miss Hoover, Alicechan's lovely new teacher.
"Oh!er, Hi Miss Hoover,"said Alicechan, snapping out of her memories.
"Alice, this is Buffy, your new classmate."Miss Hoover gestured to the girl standing next to her.
"Hi!"said Buffy with a sweet smile.
"Hi Buffy!Nice to meet you!"
"Great!I know you girls would get along. Buffy has only just moved from uptown State and has enrolled at our school. I want you to show her the ropes Alicechan, you are one of the best students at our academy and I know you can do it!"
"Thanks, Miss Hoover, I'll do my best to guide Buffy, and make her feel at home!So Buffy, tell me something about yourself." said Alicechan as miss Hoover walked out.
"So Buffy, how long have you been dancing?"asked Alicechan.
"For about 10 years now!I started out, mustve been when I was just a teeny bopper!"Buffy said as she began to dress into her tutu. "I love dancing, more than anything!So how about you Alicechan?"
"Me too, since i was a teenybopper!I used to dance here too, but i quit, due to lack of time, and came back once new management took over!Come on, lets go, the lesson's about to start!"


It was 4:30, and the girls were all in the changing rooms, changing out of their tutus.
"Alicechan!!"It was Rosechan, who had just walked into the changing rooms with a camera.
"Hi Rosechan!Its such a surprise to see you here!How are you?"
"Um, same as usual, a bit busy recently as i have a project to do for the picture club."
"Wow, that sounds fun!What pictures do you need to take?"
"Anything to do with Wackyland life, so school life, teachers, kids in the cafeteria, people in the park, cartoon characters, cats and dogs, monkeys, ghosts and ghoulies, malls and companies, rainbows...say Alicechan, could i take a photo of you in your tutu for my project?"
"Smile!"Rosechan's camera clicked and the flash bulb went off. "I only just got this camera, its an Olympux 500, should be great!Thanks Alicechan!"
"Thats ok Rosechan!Rosechan, would you like to come for a coffee with me? I've only just finished my lesson and have nothing else this afternoon,"
"Sure, that would be great!Lets go Scrabbly Sista!"
"Just wait a few minutes for my friend, she should be here soon. She's a new student named Buffy, and a really lovely girl!"


A while later, the 3 girls were sitting at Bombdiggidys, sipping coffee floats. The food and beverage there had become more normal since the first time they were there. Today was also their day off.
"So, um Buffy, youre new in town huh?"asked Rosechan.
"Yes, my parents only just moved in a couple of days ago. My dream is to be a great dancer."
"You will be, you have so much potential. Tell us something about your family, Buffy,"Alicechan said. But just then, Buffy's cell phone went off. She spent about 5 minutes or so talking to her Daddy. Just then, Jay Pewter appeared at the counter of Bombdiggidys, laptop at Hand.
"Hey look, its Jay!Hey Jay, over here!"Rosechan waved at him and he came over.
"Hey Ros, hey Alice, what you girls upto?"
"Jay, this is Buffy, our new friend and ballet school classmate, meet Jay!"said Alicechan.
"Hey Jay, nice to meet you!"
"Hi!you too, Buffy."Jay joined in and the four of them enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Jay had to dash of somewhere, so the girls decided to spend the rest of the afternoon off at Alicechan's house, where Rosechan could get a sneak preview of their recital.

Next day, at the ballet rehearsal:
"Its great to see you girls!I have an important announcement to make today, about the upcoming recital...."miss Hoover began. Just then, Mejima arrived late and excused herself to the school secretary, then quietly went to the changing room. The secretary looked on after her, a suspicious expression on her face. Then she left her seat and stepped out for a few minutes.


"Oh, oh...all that practising has made my whole body achy!"groaned Buffy. "Hey, i wonder who is going to play the lead role in swan lake?"she asked Alice, then took her bag out.
"I have no idea,"said Alicechan. Just then, she heard a scream.
"Buffy?What is it?"
"My money!I think ive lost my money!"cried Buffy.
"Oh no, where did you put it?" asked a worried Alicechan.
"It was right here in my purse, hidden deeply into my bag,"
"You had better report it at once, it mustve been stolen!As student officer in charge of safety, im here to help you out, we'd better repot it immediately!"said Alicechan. Suddenly, Buffy relaxed a little.
"Um, you know, dont give it another thought Alicechan,"she said.
"I mean, im not even sure if i bought it with me today, ive been really muddle headed lately, trying to fit in and all. This always happens, i always misplace my stuff,"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, i can never find stuff when I need it, and it turns up about a month or 2 later!"Buffy broke into laughter. Alicechan relaxed a little.
"Ok, if youre sure, but if you cant find it, you must tell me,"said Alicechan.
"Ok, no worries!Lets go get a soda!You know, there was this one time......"The two girls walked out of the changing room.


It had been about a week since the missing money episode. The money still hadnt been found. Buffy hadnt mentioned it anymore since then, telling Alicechan that she cant really report it as she has no proof.
"Theres something you don't know about this place Buffy,"said Alicechan. And she admited the Mejjima escapade to Buffy.
"I think its got to be her, there are no other thieving girls here!Believe me, ive been through it, and they wouldnt help me, now i dont want you to go through the same thing as I did," said Alicechan."
"Alice, if youre my friend, could you do something for me? Don't mention this case to anyone. I'll figure it out myself. I'll find out who did it in the end. But please, dont mention it, or else everything will be ruined, and i will get kicked out. Promise?"she asked, her eyes filled with despair.
"Ok, i promise. But if there is anything I can do to help..."
"Youre doing enough already and im very grateful to you. Hey look, there are the other girls, hey girls, come join us for a trip to the mall!" Although she smiled and tried to be happy for her friend, Alicechan felt uneasy.


That same feeling followed her right through to dinner.
"Darling, are you alright?You havent touched your dinner,"said Alice's mama worried.
"Would you like to talk about it?"asked her father.
"Um, im fine thank you, not too hungry actually, i already ate at Buffy's house."said Alicechan. This was only half a lie, because she and Buffy and the other girls had already had dinner at the mall. Rosechan hadnt gone with them she was too busy with her photo project. "Could I go to my room?I'm a bit tired and would like to take a rest."
"Thats ok honey, go and have a rest",her mother said.
"And remember, if you need to talk, we're right here."said her Daddy.
"Thanks guys," said Alicechan, kissing them both. Once in her room, she got out her cellphone.
"Hello, Rosechan?"
"Hey Alicechan!Whats up? You sound a bit blue, are you alright?"
"Im ok Rosechan...Um do you have time now?Theres this thing thats been prying on my mind, and-"
"Why dont you come over and tell me about it? I'll be in my room for the rest of the evening,"said Rosechan cheerfully.
"Ok, thanks Rosechan, I'll be there in 10 minutes."Alicechan threw her cellphone into her handbag and off she went.


"Here are my latest pics!"said Rosechan proudly.
"Hey, thats a nice one, of Deedee,"said Alicechan
"And look, here is Alicechan!Pretty pretty!"Rosechan was putting all her photos into her album, titled, "My wacky pics." She also had her own Olympux developing machine.
"Wow, the pics from the Halloween Hop!"cried Alicechan. Some of them had been published in the school paper. "Wow, is that me and Casper?How coote!Aww, thats a lovely photo of you and Stretch together!Where was it taken?"
"That was at Dominose Pizza's, during the halloween hop. Stretchie flew me there and we had a humongous pizza!He is such a gentleman,"gushed Rosechan.
”And look, its Dujy!"
"Hehe, i dont think she realised id taken that pic of her,"grinned Rosechan mischievously. "So tell me Alicechan Babes, whats the matter?
"Its about Buffy. Her money has gone missing-"
"Ohno, did you report it?"
"Well, thats just the thing, she wont let me!She claims everything is alright and that she will deal with it herself, she wont let me tell anyone. In fact, shes acting really cool about it all. And whats even more strange is, she never tells us anything about her family, what her parents do.But worst of all, i promised not to tell anyone about it.
"Oh dear. Well, Alicechan, we shall take this matter into our own hands, promise or no promise." "What shall we do, Rosechan?"


It was lunchtime, and the students crowded round their lockers.
"Hey, Mejima!"shouted Rosechan as Meijima walked past. "Could you come over here a minute?"
"Sure, what is it my Sistas?"said Mejima.
"You little witch!!"Rosechan suddenly grabbed hold of Mejima and threw her against the locker. Some of the other students, who had been busy with their lockers, now turned around to look. "Youre at it again, eh?After all Alicechan has done to forgive you, we even got you a date when that chump dumped you, and how do you repay us? By playing your filthy little games again!Where is it? What did you do with it?"
"Huh, what?!"Said Mejima, completely confused. "I dont know what youre talking about."
"Oh no? Doesnt the name Buffy Springer ring any bells?"
"Of course, she is the new girl in ballet class. Im familiar with her. So what?"
"More like your familiar with her wallet!I cant believe you would do this again!How could you?"cried Alicechan. "We thought you had changed!"
"But what have i done??"cried poor Mejima.
"Stealing again, thats what!You stole Buffy's money didnt you?"yelled Alicechan.
"I didnt!I would never steal from anyone again! Did you forget i was under suspicion?Why would i be stupid enough to do the same thing?"
"Your suspicion wasnt taken seriously enough, thats why!Now, open your locker!"cried Rosechan. Mejima did so while the two of them looked on. She handed them her bag. There was no sign of the money.
"I never touched the money!Leave me alone!!"cried Mejima in tears, as she ran down the hallway.


The 2 girls were standing by the door of the dance school. Suddenly a black shiny volvo pulled up and stopped outside. A man in a black suit and glasses stepped out, and the girls were surprised when they saw who stood right beside him. It was Buffy.
"Hi girls!Meet my Dad."
"Pleased to meet you sir,"said the Scrabbly girls politely, shaking his hand.
"Hello girls, Buffy has todl me so much about you." They walked inside, followed by 2 more men in suits. The lesson still hadnt started, people were still sitting and chatting, some of them had already changed into their costumes. Just then, Buffy's father had an announcement to make.
"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for this sudden interruption, but it has come to the attention of the MI5 that there has been a theft at this academy."Everybody stopped to listen.
"My daughter has informed me that 500 pounds were stolen from her purse, which was safely hidden in her locker. Whoever commited this crime, would you step out now please." Everybody was silent, nobody dared to move.
"I said, whoever commited this crime, would you step out now please. You cant hide from the MI5, we will track you down." still nobody dared to move.
"Alright, we can solve this mystery without your help, as whoever has stolen that money will have their fingerprints on it." People gasped and started chatting.
"But thats impossible, you would have to check out everybody's fingers in the academy, and by that time, the thief will be miles away,"said Alicechan.
"Well then, how about option number 2?The thiefs hand will have a neon green mark on it."Buffys dad got out a detector and it emited a glowing green light. He held it in the crowd of students. Surprisinngly enough, it didnt beep.
"Wow, so Mejima is innocent after all,"said Rosechan.
"Thats strange, it was none of the students,"said Buffy's dad. Then he held it in the direction of the office. Suddenly, it went mad and started beeping frantically.
"WE have our thief guys,"said her dad while the other 2 guys broke down the door.
"Hey, whats on earth is going on?"cried the secretary. "You have no right to barge in like this!"Suddenly, one of the other guys grabbed her arm and looked at her hand. Sure enough, there was the proof: her hand had turned green. Everyone was shocked.
"Miss Jameson?Why would you do such a thing?"cried Alicechan.
"Alright alright,i admit i did steal the money!I had reason to do so!"Everybody was silent and listened to her story.
"Years ago, when this school started, I was the boss of this school, i was in charge of everything!And then what happened, Wackyland happened, thats what!It took over everything, including this college, new management, and what happened to me?I was kicked off my pedestal, forced to become a secretary!"
"I wouldve thought secretary was a good position,"said Buffy.
"Not when youve been chief manager!"
"Well, thats still not a good enough reason to steal, "said Miss Hoover. "And we've been good to you, we kept you on instead of firing you and we've paid you well. And this is how you repay us?"
"Theres more. A student, Alice Bennell i believe, had money stolen. And what did she do?She blamed it on my niece.My poor niece, daughter of my late brother."
"Huh?!Mejima is your niece?!"cried Alicechan weirdified.
"Yes Alice, you put the blame on a poor fatherless girl, one whose mother was grieving and desolate. I told you back then to drop the case, but you wouldnt. I wanted to avenge my family. Thats why i stole the money."


"So, the mystery has finally been solved,"said Rosechan. It was already dark and there were police cars outside the school.
"Well done Buffy, you solved the case yourself!"smiled Alicechan.
"Yes, i told you i would, thats why i didnt want you to tell anyone. I wanted to be sure."
"At least, now i understand why you never told us anything about your family,"said Alicechan.
"Yeah, who wouldve thought your dad was with the MI5?"said Rosechan. "Thats like so cool!"Buffy smiled. The girls watched as the secretary was being taken away in a police car.
"But even stranger: I never wouldve guessed Miss Jameson and Mejima were related," wondered Alicechan. "That tops all the mysteries in the world."
"Im guessing she will be put away for a long time,"smiled Rosechan.
"Girls, i wanted to thank you for being so great about all of this,"said Buffy.
"It was our pleasure!"cried the Scrabbly Sistas.
"How would you girls like to come over to my place for a sleepover?"
"Wow, would we ever!"cried Rosechan.
"We just have to let our parents know,"added Alicechan taking out her mobile phone.
"Yo dont need to do that, my dad has already informed them."grinned Buffy.
"YAY!"cried the Scrabbly girls. Each one took Buffy by the arms, and they walked on.
"Say Buffy, we know your dad is with the MI5,"started Rosechan.
"Yeah, but we dont know about your mama. What does she do?"asked Alicechan.
"Mom?Oh, she's a home-maker."