Sunday 5 August 2007

Episode 7: Last dinosaurs

"Denver, the last dinosaur, he's my friend and a whole lot more!" People were starting to shuffle around and get up out of their seats as soon as the movie came to an end and the credits and theme song came on. Like always, Rosechan prefered to stay on and check out the credits, something she did with everyt movie she saw. A few bits of popcorn still danced around at the bottom of the carton.

"Wow, what a scrabbly movie! I read many good reviews about it in the paper!"said Alicechan once they were outside.
"Yeah!Im glad they finally managed to make Denver the last Dinosaur into a movie!"gushed Rosechan. "It was about time, what with all the other 80s cartoons being given the big screen make-over!"
"Yes, and Denver actually looks good on the big screen!"added Alicechan. "Shall we go to TGI's?I've got those, "eat as much as you like" tickets!
"Good on ya Alicechan!lets go!"The two girls were off on their way.


"Miss Rosa Maam!!Wake up!!You'll be late for school!"Kryten was calling Rosechan.
"Eee-ahh..."Rosechan yawned. "Oh no!!" I'm gonna be late for first class!" throwing on her jeans and black t-shirt, she made a run for it, tripping up and doing a sommersault down the stairs.
"Here is your breakfast, maam,"said Kryten.
"Sorry Kryten, theres no time!"she cried, dashing past the kitchen to grab her lunch-box.
"You must eat something!Your health is most important!"
"Dont worry about me, ill just eat an early lunch today."
"Miss Rosa, wont you at leats let me drive you to school?"Kryten said exasperated.
"No its ok, ill ride my bike to school, it will be healthier!See you Kryten!"she grabbed her bike and was just about to go when she noticed a huge truck one block down. Two heavy built men were carrying boxes of something, and putting them in the back. Rosechan was just about to go on, when she noticed that those were actually cages, and there were animals inside!"This doesnt look good, I'd better check it out,"she thought, abandoning he bike and secretly sneaking inside the truck. She gasped at what she saw: there were rows upon rows of cages, some big and some small, there were animals of every sort: mice, cats, dogs, bears, lions, lizards, chickens. Needless to say, they all looked sad and depressed. She was appaled. Just then, the back of the truck opened again and she had to hide. She held her breath as the men put in a few more boxes, then got infront and took off. Rosechan breathed a huge sigh of relief. As she got up, she noticed she had been hiding infront of an animal in a net. It was a huge animal, was green with blue eyes, and looked like a dinosaur.
"Denver!"she cried. Yes, it was her favourite dinosaur, Denver, the last Dinosaur. It felt so surreal, having watched the cartoons and his movie, and now standing face to face with him. "Oh Denver, what have they done to you?Wait, let me help you."She tried to pull the net appart, but it was impossible. She felt in her pocket and to her luck found a penknife with a lighter. "Look out Denver, ill have you free in a minute."She began cutting andburning the net until it finally came lose. Denver looked really happy and started making his cute Dino sounds. Rosechan smiled and gave him a big hug."Don't worry Denver, i wont leave you, ill save you, and all you other animals!" How am i going to do that?I'm gonna need a miracle. But whatever it takes, ill do it for the animals, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, the kids were having their lesson with Manuelie.
"Alice, do you have any idea where your friend Rose is today?"Manuelie questioned Alicechan.
"Um, no, miss, i havent heard from her since yesterday evening. She might be sick." Alicechan was also puzzled as to Rosechans lateness. Normally, Rosechan came early, except of course when there was an emergency.

Back in the van, Rosechan had sat down next to Denver and was trying to figure out what to do next. Heck, she didnt even know where they were going. And, she started to feel hungry. She got out her Denver the Dinosaur lunchbox and showed it to Denver, who smiled proudly.
"Are you hungry Denver?"she checked through it: a sandwhich, an apple, a banana, a chocolate bar, a can of OJ, and...a bag of chips!
"Here you go, Denver, these are for you!"she remembered very well that the one thing Denver loved to eat most was potato chips. Denver was so happy he swallowd the whole packet. Rosechan laughed as she bit into her apple. All the other animals seemed to calm down a little. She shared her lunch with the rest of them too,as best she could. As they were eating, Rosechan noticed a label on one of the cages, which read, "Professor Beardknife experiments, 21 Starlight." Aha!Thought Rosechan. Now i know where were going! I must let Alicechan know. She took out her cell, but to her horror, the battery was low. Oh no!!She cried.


Alicechan was in the playground, reading a book. Rosechan is probably just ill today, i hope its nothing serious. She thought. But that uneasy feeling still followed her. After all, it wasnt like Rosechan not to turn up to a whole lesson.
"Hey Alicechan,you ok?"It was the Denver gang, Mario, Shades and Wally.\
"Hey guys, im just worried about Rosechan's abscence. She didnt come to morning class."
"Thats weird, Denver seems to be gone too,"said Wally. Just then, Alicechan's cellphone gave a beep. "Hello?Rosechan!!Where are you?You got me worried!"cried Alicechan.
"Hi Alicechan, theres no time to lose, my phones battery is nearly in a van with animals in cages.."she could hear her phone running out.
"What Rosechan?"asked Alicechan.
"Um, me and the animals are in trouble, were headed for Professor Beardkinfe's lab, remember that, Professor Beardknife's lab, call the police..."Her phone's battery died.
"Rosechan?Rosechan??"cried Alicechan exhasperated. "Hey guys, i think Rosechan may be in trouble,"she told Mario and Shades, not being able to make head or tail of anything.


Rosechan sat glumly in the van, really regretting not having recharged her phone the night before. She got out her Olympux camera.
"Hey Denver, youre my favourite Dinosaur and i want to take a photo of you for my scrapbook!" But just then, the van seemed to stop and the men all got out. Again, Rosechan hid herself. She was relieved that they were getting out, it felt like ages travelling around in that bumpy "coffin." She watched as the two men started taking out boxes, and finally Denver. They didnt even realise he had been freed from the net. Rosechan followed close behind, making sure not to get caught. Luckily she got into the building after them, just as the door began to close. The animals were thrown into what looked like an empty store room.
"Well, did you get me the animals?Where are they?"a womans voice could be heard.
"There right over here, professor Beardknife," one of the men said and opened the door. Rosechan wasnt sure she had heard correctly. Professor Beardknife was a woman??That wasnt possible!Sure enough, from where she was hiding, she could see a tall, beautiful brunette. She doesnt look like a Beardknife,and everyone knew professor Beardknife was a man. The men started to apprach the room. "Dont worry guys, im right behind you, i wont abandon you,"Rosechan whispered to the animals and Denver.
"Well well, a Dinosaur!Where on earth did you get that?"prof.Beardknife was amazed. "Well, seeing as he's special, I'll take him first,"she said evilly. The men came up and got hold of a terrified Denver. Rosechan knew she had to do something, she couldnt wait for the police anymore. She didn't care if she got caught, she would take matters into her own hands.
"Hey!Leave him alone!"she cried angrilly at the men. They stopped and turned around.
"A girl?"they all cried in astonishment.
"Idiots!!Why have you brought a spy?"cried prof Beardknife angrilly.
"Im a member of the FSS, and you are under arrest for stealing animals and experimenting!"she cried, flashing her FSS card.
"Well, this looks interesting,"thought Prof. Beardknife. "I don't usually do human experiments, but i guess i can make an exception for you!Get her!"The men grabbed hold of Rosechan. Oops, she thought. Bad move.
"Let me go!"she yelled. "Anyway,youre not prof Beardknife, everybody knows he's a man!"
"Youre right, im not!Im prof Beardknife's daughter!"she said triumphantly. So that was it! Rosechan found herself being strapped down to a table by 2 heavy men.
"Whata re you going to do?"she cried.
"Just a little experiment,"said prof Beardknife calmly, preparing a needle.
"NO!!I HATE needles!!cried Rosehan wincing. "Specially if I dont know whats in them or where they've been!"She had to do something, flatter the woman even.
"Youre such a beautiful intelligent strong woman, why would you do something so evil? Experimenting on Humans and animals, when you could use your talents in a better way?" Beardknife seemed to stop at this comment,and for a moment, it seemed she was going to have a change of heart.
"Shut up!!I was tormented as a child for far too long, everybody laughed at me because i was a failure!Well now i'm sick of being a failure!"she yelled, tears falling down her eyes. She came towards Rosechan, who felt herself going faint as she saw the glistening needle in the air. Then it came down..
"FREEZE!!Drop everything!Youre under arrest!" Rosechan thought she had already received the injection and that she was knocked out.She opened her eyes and to her surprise, she saw prof Bearknife was still holding the injection in mid air, looking towards the entrance, where Alicechan and the Denver gang, the police and FSS where standing, the FSS holding their pistols ready. Rosechan was so happy she couldve cried. "You guys made it!"she cried.
"Yes Rosechan,"said chief. "As soon as she got your call, Alicechan did the most wisest thing she could do, which was to call us. We did a search on prof Beardknife and found out the hideout where all the experiments are done." Alicechan and Shades came to set Rosechan free. All the big guys had been arrested, but the evil mastermind was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, everyone heard the screeching of tyres outside. She'd gotten away! The FSS and the ploice ran out after her. Meanwhile, Rosechan, Alicechan and the Denver gang started to set the animals free. "So thats whereyou went, Denver!"laughed Wally as Denver licked him.


It was 5pm and the Scrabbly Sistas were at the FSS, together with the FSS, police, Denver and the gang. All of them were eating cookies and sandwhiches and drinking tea and coffee. Rosechan was famished, so she ate 10. Prof Elenor Beardknife had been arrested and put in a cage together with the men, staring angrily at them. "Fools! she cried. "Out of all the things i asked you bring, you had to bring an undercover brat!"
"Wonder how she likes it!" laughed Rosechan.
"Girls, on behalf of the FSS, i wanted to thank you for your bravery and helping us to put away this mad scientist. Well done Rosechan, for having the guts to follow them to the hideout, something we've been trying to trackdown for a long time. And Alicechan, well done for having alerted us of the danger!"Chief was very proud.
"Oh it was nothing,"said Rosechan modestly.
"Always glad to help!"said Alicechan happily. Just then, Rosechan thought of something. "Theres something i wanted to do, but didnt get the chance to do so. Alicechan, could you do it for me please?"She handed Alicechan her camera, then climbed on Denver's back.
"Smile!"said Alicechan and took the picture. That was the one thing Rosechan wanted, to take a photo of her favourite Dinosaur. After that, everybody ahd a group photo together with the animals too, then a photo for the paper.
In her room, Rosechan hummed happily as she put her photo of Denver in her scrapbook, next to the group photo. Underneath it, she wrote: "Me and my favourite Dino-buddy, Denver!"

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