Sunday 26 August 2007

Episode 8: Peter the Man Scout

This episode has one or two scenes which may be unsuitable for young viewers. Nothing extreme though, dont worry!:)
Starring: Joe Nipote as Frankie Waters
Terri Hawkes as Miss Larrie
Colin O'Meara as Rick

One day the ghostly trio found themselves mysteriously in the jungle. They were surrounded by palm trees with huge leaves and ultra long hives, and loud noises: WOOAH! WOO-AH-AH-AH!!CROOEE!CROOEE!!CROOEEEEE!!!!
"Where are we?"said Fatso.
"This doesnt look like Whipstaff,"added Stinkie.
"I got a bad feeling about this," said a worried Stretch.

Meanwhile, back in Wackyland:
"Should be a great night out,"said Rosechan.
"Thats scrabbly! I havent been on a night out like this in a long time!"added Alicechan. It was a november evening and Alicechan and Rosechan were on a night out, at Wackyland's Comedy Bar, the pub where entertainment took place every evening, in the form of music and comedy, where sometimes famous comedians would come and perform. Common people too, such as workers, students and home-owners could book an appointment to perfom there, and on some special occasions, there were Scrabulous nights and Poetry nights. Initially, Hazel was supposed to go with her mom, but due to a sudden change in plans, neither could attend. So Rosechan was given those tickets, and took advantage of the kind offer by inviting Alicechan. Now the two girls were waiting in anticipation for the show to begin.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonights show!" Finally the announcer came on, dressed in a purple tuzedo and matching trousers. Further along, Bart Simpson and his girlfriend were sitting, dressed in their evening best. Yes, this was the pub where cartoon celebs came too, so it was the perfect opportunity to mingle with them.
"We have a new guest tonight, he is a well respected teacher at Wacky High, please give a big welcome to mr. Peter Cavalier!" The crowd cheered as Peter Cavallier came up on stage.
"Huh?!" cried Rosechan in surprise. "I had no idea he was into comedy!"
"How scrabbly!" agreed Alicechan.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonights show!Glad to see you all here!" Peter started his comedy routine, which took at lleast half an hour. Sadly, it wasnt all that funny. Finally, Peter finished with a performance of "Purple People Eater."
"Thank you very much Peter!That was great, mixing comedy with singing!Very well done!"said the announcer as everybody burst into applause.
"Thank you very much everybody, you have been a great audience!Thank you for coming!"Then Peter went backstage but strangely enough, nobody followed for an autograph. The scrabbly girls decided to check out what was going on. They went to Peter's dressing room.
"Thank you everybody, ill gladly give out autographs now, just please do wait a moment," he said, without even turning around. "Oh, hello girls, lovely to see you."
"Hi Peter, you were great tonight!"the scrabbly girls said.
"Thank you ladies, glad you enjoyed the show."
"Yes, and we want to invite you for some drinks," added Alicechan.
"Thanks girls, but maybe another time, ok? Im flat out knackered now, and i have to give an interview in a coupld of minutes. Its not easy being a celebrity you know, specially with the paparazzi hot on your trail."
The scrabbly girls looked at one another, then bidding Peter goodnight, started off on their way home.
"Dont you think Peter is behaving strangely tonight?"sked Alicechan, once they were on the bus. "Yeah, i mean, for a celebrity he didnt seem all that happy, " added Rosechan.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:
"Valerie, this is crazy! Lets go back right this minute!"
"Sorry Frankie, But this is the only way!"
"No Valerie, the whole school will be worried sick!This isnt the answer to your problems!" Frankie Waters cried in exhasperation.
"Im sorry Frankie, i just cant spend another minute in that awful place! That school will be the death of me! But im so lucky to have met you! Oh Frankie...." the brunette had pulled over and stopped the car, then threw herself around the Viper mechanic into a passionate kiss. She was beautiful, a brunette in a physicians robe and hair which fell in waves over her beautiful face. But she had had enough of Wacky High, where she was treated badly by most of the staff, and had found love with the Frankie. At that moment a broadcast came onto the radio, saying that Wacky High were still searching for miss Larrie, the physics teacher. Fat chance, thought miss Larrie, and with her legs wrapped around Frankie she stretched out her stilleto and switched it off.

Next day, at Lucky 7's arcade, Alicechan and Rosechan were sitting at the wheels of the Drive Simulator and were trying in vain to get it to work. Having swallowed at least 10 of their coins, it was still a no-go.
"Alright, that does it!"cried Rosechan furiously undoing her belt. "Lets get the manager!" The two of them went to find the manager, who naturally wasnt in. They gave that up and went over to Bombdiggidies for their shift.
"Hey Rick,"they greeted their fellow co-worker.
"Hey girls, whats new?"smiled Rick.
"Oh you know, nothing much, windy bothersome day,too many people, swindling arcades..."complained Rosechan. Suddenly Alicechan remembered something.
"Hey Rick, we went to the Comedy Bar last night, and guess who was performing there?Peter!"
"Huh, so soon? It didnt take him long to find anew job," wondered Rick.
"What do you mean?"asked Rosechan.
"You girls dont know? He lost his tv show. It was on the news last night. Apparently he wasnt doing so well in the past few weeks and it had to be cut by the NBC."
"Oh gosh, really?Poor Peter,"thought Alicechan.
"So thats why hes taken to unfunny comedy routines," Rosechan pitited him.
"Here, look at this,"Rick got out a dvd and popped it into the tv. "Yesterday's news archives."
Sure enough, yesterday's news came on, saying how last night's episode was Peter's last.
"Jeez, thats bad, poor guy,"said Rosechan, stirring up a mug of hot choc.
"Its just so sudden,"added Alicechan.
"If there was something we could do about it," thought Buffy.
"You mean, help him to get his show back?" asked Hazel.
"That would be good, except for the people of Wackyland. You know what theyre like, once something is bad and unpopularlular, they hate it with a passion," said Rosechan. That night, Peter was at Moe's Tavern, getting drunk by the minute on beers and martinis. He was having a drinking competition with Barney Gumble and Homer Simpson, while chatting up all the pretty young girls and behaving in the utmost weird way. Barney and Homer decided to pick him up and run him back to his place, instead of letting him drive home. "Im alright!"protested Peter, right before being thrown into his girlfriend's car, who was being passionate with another guy (no, it wasnt miss Larrie and Frankie.)

Next day, as soon as first class was over, the girls immediately went over to Peter's staff room.
"Hey Peter, were sorry to hear about what happened,"started Alicechan.
"Yes, but dont worry, we' re here to help you get back into showbiz, added Rosechan. Buffy nodded. Before Peter had a chance to answer, he was magically fitted with a pair of zoomer roller-blades by Hazel and zoomed out of the room. "Yaaaaaah!Where are you girls taking me?" yelled Peter as he vaulted down the steps. "Well, you do have to make a good impression in comedy,"called Alicechan after him. A while later, the girls appeared at Wackyland's Studios.
"We have brought back Peter, you were wrong to axe his show,"they said to one of the workers severely. The studio they were in was being prepared for a scene in a tv drama.
"Sorry girls, but we have no time for silly jokes,"the worker replied. Both girls were picked up and thrown out of the room.
"Gosh, how frightfully rude!"grumbled Rosechan.
"There must be something that can be done,"said Alicechan to one of the assistants. "Are you sure theres absolutely no chance of anything for Peter, even a guest role in a tv series?"Now they were both in the manager's office. Peter was sitting next to them, still dazed and confused. He looked like a clown, with a red nose and messy tangled hair, and his trousers were coming down. Make that a drunk clown.
"Sorry girls, but schedule is very busy and there doesnt seem to be anything on offer." The manager was a kindly middle aged fat man, dressed in a tuxedo. He was still looking at his schedule.
"Thats a shame. Thanks for your time." The two girls and Peter left. Peter didnt even seem to realise what was going on.
Subdued, the girls walked on, with Peter walking behind them , talking gibberish. They stopped a taxi and got in. Suddenly, the manager came after them. "Wait girls, wait!"he called out just as they were getting into the taxi. But it was too late. The manager, a fat guy, started running after the taxi and after about 3 stops, he managed to stop it. “Uhoh, what does the fat guy want?" said Rosechan annoyed.
"Girls!Wait! I have a job for Peter!Please come on back to the Studio!"he cried exhausted.

"What did you have in mind?" asked Alicechan.
"Seems we do have a space after all, "said the manager, leafing through his schedule. "We need somebody to appear in the ad forScoot Scout Cookies!"
A while later, Peter came out, dressed in a extra large sized girls scout uniform. The scrabbly girls had a hard time holding in their laughter."MMMMPFF!"
"No, you idiots! You gave him the wrong uniform!!I said Man Scout, not girl scout!"yelled the manager angrilly. A few minutes later Peter came out dressed in the propper gear. So it was settled. Peter was going to appear in the ad for Scoot Scout Cookies. The girls cheered. "You look great Peter!"smiled Alicechan.
"Thanks Alice!But to tell you the truth, i was beginning to feel very comfy in the girl scout uniform," admitted Peter. The girls exchanged werdified glances.
Later that day, the girls were at Trocadero again, this time the drive simulator had worked and they had won a gazillion tokens. Now they received their wacky prizes.
"Mine is a can of Capmbell Soup!"laughed Alicechan.
"Ohno, mine is a can of Heniz Boked Bones!" Rosechan burst into hysterical laughter. Suddenly the tin of Boked Bones opened up and the little boked bones jumped out and made a bow. Then Alicechan's Capmbells soup can opened, and the meatballs jumbed out and joined the boked bones and they did a short little dance, at the end of which they said, "Thank you for playing at Wackyland's Lucky 7!Come again soon!"
The girls were near the bowling alley, and there was a tv screen behind the counter. Just then, Peter's ad came on. " Make sure you buy Scoot Scout Cookies for your man!"Peters said, dressed in his ManScout uniform. The girls giggled.
"Glad we could help Peter out," smiled Alicechan.
"Me too! Hopefully he'll become famous again and find his way back into the public's hearts," added Rosechan.
Suddenly, they were interrupted by a strange lady, who came to the bowling alley with her two kids.
"I cant believe the trio, theyre so stupid! I cant trust them to play a simple game of snakes and adders without them getting lost in the jungle!" WEIRD, thought the girls.

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